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Skate Quotes

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We all live amid surfaces, and the true art is to skate well on them  (Skate Quotes) I didn’t want to skate for someone else or for certain marks  (Skate Quotes) All my life I have wanted to skate, and all my life I have skated  (Skate Quotes) I wish I had a river I could skate away on?  (Skate Quotes) I skate to anything with a good beat, anything that can get me motivated  (Skate Quotes) I am just a person who can’t skate in the mountains  (Skate Quotes) I like to roller skate. I have been roller skating since I was eight  (Skate Quotes) A man learns to skate by staggering about and making a fool of himself. Indeed he progresses in all things by resolutely making a fool of himself  (Skate Quotes) I am always hurt, but what are you going to do? I have to skate  (Skate Quotes) I skate now for fun and to keep myself in shape  (Skate Quotes) I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been  (Skate Quotes) If you skate too slow, it’s not feeling comfortable at all  (Skate Quotes) My whole life has been the skate life. I don’t really remember doing anything besides skateboarding  (Skate Quotes) Me and my friends had BMX magazines and skate magazines, and I was a photographer who made skate videos  (Skate Quotes) I’m a show pony, and I don’t get to skate with girls doing triple Axels every single day. I skate with little babies who are working on their single Axels while trying not to hit them on the ice.  (Skate Quotes) I think a part of me romantically thinks it would be amazing to learn to dance or ice skate, but in reality, I don’t think it would be beneficial to my career.  (Skate Quotes) I used to play hockey when I was growing up. Everyone sort of learns how to skate and play hockey at an early age.  (Skate Quotes) There’s a lot of emotions that always come out after a skate of a lifetime. I always start crying because there is so much buildup to that competition.  (Skate Quotes) Leadership is one of sports intangibles. Guys can score, guys can fight, guys can skate faster than anybody else. But not everybody can say, Follow me  (Skate Quotes) I’ve always wanted to skate. If and when I decide to retire... I want to perform. I want to be on the ice. I want to continue contributing to the sport. I feel like I still have a lot to offer  (Skate Quotes) I can do the tricks and I can skate. I have great skating skills and artistry and well-choreographed programs. For me, the biggest obstacle is just bringing it all together  (Skate Quotes) I strive to do my best every single time and I think that’s something the skate community knows about me and appreciates  (Skate Quotes) I skate about 15 to 20 hours a week and also incorporate a lot of off-ice training. I take ballet and Pilates classes and lift weights with my physical therapist when I’m not on the ice  (Skate Quotes) I skate a lot with my shirt off, so working out has always been important to me. I almost have as much fun working out as I do skating. And seeing your body change, and seeing yourself get bigger and more toned and cut, makes a big difference in how you feel about yourself.  (Skate Quotes) I’ve learned some of the greatest life lessons from growing up in the skate and punk rock communities  (Skate Quotes) I think what every skater dreams of is not only skating the best program they can possibly skate, but, y’know, having the crowd roar at the end, and it was just so loud I couldn’t even hear my music  (Skate Quotes) I had spindly little ankles, and growing up in Canada, I couldn’t skate. I was no good at any sports so was very much a pariah through those adolescent years  (Skate Quotes) I respect people that are die-hard film people, but I started on video. I started on Hi8 video and mini-DV, and I made skate videos. So, I love film, and I love the way it looks, but I also love the way crappy video looks, or VHS. I’ve always been a fan of whatever the look is that’s appropriate for what the feeling is.  (Skate Quotes) Sometimes I didn’t want to skate. My dad would push me so hard to get better.  (Skate Quotes) I’ve learned some of the greatest life lessons from growing up in the skate and punk rock communities.  (Skate Quotes)
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