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When our young people can find meaningful work, we all benefit. This youth jobs strategy would help connect youth with careers they can build on and equip them with the skills they need to thrive in today’s global economy  (Skills Quotes) Being a broadcaster encompasses the business of sport, which is my life today, and it encompasses the skills of being a history student, and the ability of being a performer  (Skills Quotes) Although professors regard improving critical thinking as the most important goal of college, tests reveal that seniors who began their studies with average critical thinking skills have progressed only from the 50th percentile of entering freshmen to about the 69th percentile  (Skills Quotes) Putting a man in space is a stunt: the man can do no more than an instrument, in fact can do less. There are far more serious things to do than indulge in stunts... I do not discard completely the value of demonstrating to the world our skills. Nor do I undervalue the effect on morale of the spectacular. But the present hullabaloo on the propaganda aspects of the program leaves me entirely cool  (Skills Quotes) Oh, my dating skills are the worst. No, I pick the wrong men; it’s amazing. I am awful, the worst dater  (Skills Quotes) To my knowledge, there have been no studies done on the effects of antidepressants and altitude. But it is hugely important to find out if there are side effects. We should also find out what are the effects on fine motor skills and reaction time. These are all important questions that should be assessed  (Skills Quotes) The great thing about films is that you have access to this whole world of experts who teach you the skills your character’s supposed to have  (Skills Quotes) The skills you acquire can always be effectively redeployed. You will look back on setbacks and be grateful for the catalyst that came not a moment too soon  (Skills Quotes) Most people are defined by their titles, their cars, their house, where they came from, their color, their race, their religion. And so it’s up to you to take control of your own life and define you. As long as you understand who you are and you have a solid foundation of understanding what your talents are, what your skills are  (Skills Quotes) It’s a simple fact: no individual can be good at everything. Everyone needs people around them who have complimentary sets of skills  (Skills Quotes) I also grew up building theatrical scenery. I spent many years building scenery as a large part of my income and that allowed me to really develop my shop skills  (Skills Quotes) There’s a lot of good that’s done for society in building businesses, but it’s also great to be involved in those things where you can be connected to the community, to the world, and think about how you can use what you’re creating, both in terms of your personal skills as well as your products or services to do good things for others  (Skills Quotes) I don’t have a lot of skills, but one thing I can do is, I can compartmentalize. I can make that a little world that I can go back to, so I can be a waitress, or I can be a teacher, and then go and work on my book  (Skills Quotes) I love to see how far you’re able to go, both in skills but also emotionally how far I can push myself  (Skills Quotes) What power there is in our service when our actions line up with our mission, skills and joy  (Skills Quotes) My memorization skills aren’t that great so I need help in that area. As far as everything else, I listen to the director. I’m someone who doesn’t argue. I hit my marks and say the lines  (Skills Quotes) Even if you are new in sales, you can make up in numbers what you lack in skills  (Skills Quotes) Individuals out of work for an extended period can become less employable as they lose the specific skills acquired in their previous jobs and also lose the habits needed to hold down any job  (Skills Quotes) You have to be a strong advocate of the shows you believe in. Sometimes those skills are very similar to agenting  (Skills Quotes) I’m never proud of my old work. I always feel as though my skills have since improved  (Skills Quotes) We are living in a world where access trumps knowledge every time. Those who know how to search, find and make the connections will succeed. Those who rely on static knowledge and skills alone will fail  (Skills Quotes) Better degrees don’t automatically translate into better skills and better jobs and better lives  (Skills Quotes) American field players would really help themselves if they were exposed to a steady stream of box experience. Box lacrosse is an extremely valuable background for a young player, we need to incorporate more of the indoor skills in to the field game. It is almost a requirement to have a top player with indoor experience on your roster right now  (Skills Quotes) That’s why I played music; my social skills were limited. I think a lot of people that experience that pick up guitars, because they can’t communicate otherwise  (Skills Quotes) The world is full of what seem like intractable problems. Often we let that paralyze us. Instead, let is spur you to action. There are some people in the world that we can’t help, but there are so many more that we can. So when you see a mother and her children suffering in another part of the world, don’t look away. Look right at them. Let them break your heart, then let your empathy and your talents help you make a difference in the lives of others. Whether you volunteer every week or just a few times a year, your time and unique skills are invaluable  (Skills Quotes) It is the acquisition of skills in particular, irrespective of their utility, that is potent in making life meaningful. Since man has no inborn skills, the survival of the species has depended on the ability to acquire and perfect skills. Hence the mastery of skills is a uniquely human activity and yields deep satisfaction  (Skills Quotes) The very act of creation requires such focused concentration that vast areas of knowledge may be completely overlooked. Well, so what? There is no evidence that generalized skills are in any way superior to specialized brilliance  (Skills Quotes) Fatigue makes fools of us all. It robs us of our skills, our judgment, and blinds us to creative solutions  (Skills Quotes) Agriculture is for living; mind culture is for life. Skills are for shaping material things so that they cater more for the comfort of man; studies are for shaping attitudes, feelings, desires, emotions and impulses of man, so that they may confer more peace, more joy and more fortitude on man  (Skills Quotes) Flow occurs in your life when your highest skills are matched to challenges that quite exactly meet them  (Skills Quotes)
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