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Your leadership skills determine the level of your success, and the success of those who work around you  (Skills Quotes) What people get admired and appreciated for in community are their soft skills: their sense of humor and timing, their ability to listen, their courage and honesty, their capacity for empathy  (Skills Quotes) I believe that politics takes a much different set of skills than science. Science is about getting to the truth. Politics is about what people think and how they react  (Skills Quotes) The opponents and I are really one. My strength and skills only half of the equation. The other half is theirs. An opponent is someone whose strength joined to yours creates a certain result  (Skills Quotes) Where the private sector, or anyone else, has skills, knowledge and resources that can help to deliver a high quality of education and to raise standards, we should use them  (Skills Quotes) Head Start’s ability to improve the educational skills and opportunities of Latino children will be an important component of America’s future success  (Skills Quotes) If you improve a teacher’s self-esteem, confidence, communication skills or stress levels, you improve that teacher’s overall effectiveness across the curriculum  (Skills Quotes) Immigrants provide skills that we simply cannot afford to do without. They have contributed hugely to Britain’s success  (Skills Quotes) It would be pretty funny to see a Beverly Hills white girl with mad rap skills  (Skills Quotes) My hope was that organizations would start including this range of skills in their training programs - in other words, offer an adult education in social and emotional intelligence  (Skills Quotes) So for a year I spent all my time hiding from Jack Charlton in the car park practising my skills  (Skills Quotes) So I did in fact spend two and a half years in the Middlesbrough car park practising skills. But if you spend four or five or six hours a day practising, you get better  (Skills Quotes) Sticking to a diet required me to have a permanently low self-esteem. But happily, I developed other skills beyond a fluctuating weight, eventually building up a different source of self-worth  (Skills Quotes) To succeed, you will soon learn, as I did, the importance of a solid foundation in the basics of education - literacy, both verbal and numerical, and communication skills  (Skills Quotes) When I went on to write my next book, Working With Emotional Intelligence, I wanted to make a business case that the best performers were those people strong in these skills  (Skills Quotes) Involvement in the arts engages kids in their community, improves self-esteem, reclaims at-risk youth, and builds the creative skills that are required of a 21st century workforce  (Skills Quotes) A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: ‘Duh.’  (Skills Quotes) I don’t think it negates your skills as a parent if you’re homosexual  (Skills Quotes) I think management is about just that - managing people via man-to-man skills  (Skills Quotes) Boardwalk’ has kind of exposed me to a different demographic. and it upped my skills in terms of the speed with which I can prep a scene, and I’m excited to apply that  (Skills Quotes) The Leader will be a person with the management skills to coordinate the activities of the Team, and to assure that the Team remains faithful to the objectives of the incoming President  (Skills Quotes) A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals  (Skills Quotes) Convinced that behavior and conduct are every bit as important as skills and expertise, I sought to build the firm into an enduring, values - based institution  (Skills Quotes) People often argue about this. Obviously one of the skills in performance is acting, and you can’t expect every Romeo to really be in love with their Juliet!  (Skills Quotes) BRICS must provide a united and clear voice in shaping a peaceful, balanced and stable world. We must harness each other’s strengths, in knowledge, skills and resources  (Skills Quotes) My background are acting, film production, directing, and I studied them for many years. Keep in mind that you need many other skills when you are starting any film project related to real life  (Skills Quotes) I’m not pretending to be somebody who’s got really limited craft skills. I just am a person who’s got really limited craft skills  (Skills Quotes) The same skills that I used as a welder, as a migrant farm worker, are similar skills that I’m using as a brain surgeon  (Skills Quotes) You never know how your skills are going to play out at the next level. But I knew I had a lot of doubles and I was capable of driving the ball into gaps  (Skills Quotes) If a 25-year old can’t read and write and he or she isn’t gaining marketable skills, it doesn’t matter if a Republican or a Democrat is in the White House. His or her future will be bleak  (Skills Quotes)
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