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Teaching’s hard! You need different skills: positive reinforcement, keeping students from getting bored, commanding their attention in a certain way.  (Skills Quotes) The saying in business is that, ‘You hire for skills and you fire for behavior.’ And one would argue that in order to move up in career, to be promoted, to take on additional responsibility, in many ways that’s linked more to the attitudes and behaviors that you carry rather than what you know technically about a given subject.  (Skills Quotes) No amount of talents, skills or charisma can sustain us the way integrity, character and attitude does.  (Skills Quotes) The fact is that there is nothing wrong with most of us that a good, clean change of attitude and some new skills wouldn’t fix.  (Skills Quotes) Positive thinking is a good attitude to have. But positive thinking without any skills is a load of crap.  (Skills Quotes) There are more social skills required to talk one-on-one [than to an audience]. You don’t have to be socially fluid to talk to two thousand people.  (Skills Quotes) If I could distil the relevance of Bruce Springsteen’s music to Australia it would be this: don’t let what has happened to the American economy happen here. Don’t let Australia become a down-under version of New Jersey, where the people and the communities whose skills are no longer in demand get thrown on the scrap heap of life.  (Skills Quotes) One of the most highly developed skills in contemporary Western civilization is dissection: the split -up of problems into their smallest possible components. We are good at it. So good, we often forget to put the pieces back together again.  (Skills Quotes) In determing the right people, the good-to-great companies placed greater weight on character attributes than on specific educational background, practical skills, specialized knowledge, or work experience.  (Skills Quotes) Sometimes there’s not a direct transfer of skills from business to government, but sometimes what happened in business would be really bad for government.  (Skills Quotes) Happiness is a skill, emotional balance is a skill, compassion and altruism are skills, and like any skill they need to be developed. That’s what education is about.  (Skills Quotes) Video games are a special kind of play, but at root, they’re about the same things as other games: embracing particular rules and restrictions in order to develop skills and experience rewards. When a game is well-designed, it’s the balance between these factors that engages people on a fundamental level.  (Skills Quotes) I think there’s an awful lot of ball players with great skills, but whether or not they’re going to be on winning teams is not going to be answered until you see how they fit in to a team or a program. If they don’t, it may be their fault or it may be their coaches.  (Skills Quotes) At times those skills were really hard to do because not only was I having to contend with the camera, but I was having to learn these new skills and the ball was always kind of doing what you didn’t want it to do. So it got a little bit frustrating at times but we got there.  (Skills Quotes) I can completely take a second World War gun apart and put it back together again thanks to ‘Band Of Brothers.’ That’s always useful. I’ve got lots and lots of random skills I’ll probably never need again.  (Skills Quotes) The thing is, autism is a big spectrum. Going from folks who remain nonverbal, all the way up to, ya know, famous scientists and musicians. And we’ve got to work on strengths. We also have to work on teaching basic manners and skills.  (Skills Quotes) While we are deploying troops in their thousands, we lose the chance to build up their basic skills.  (Skills Quotes) Just as a stool requires three legs to stand upright so the taekwondoist must cultivate basic skills, meaningful forms, and effective sparring in order to have both feet firmly planted in the art  (Skills Quotes) The special skills necessary for being a storyteller are really very simple. I actually talked about them in a book of mine called ‘Tell Me a Tale.’ Those basic skills are to listen, to observe, to remember, and to share.  (Skills Quotes) The worlds I paint leave a lot to engage the imagination by hinting at what lies beyond the four edges of the painting. I think getting beyond the four edges of an opportunity or challenge is one of the basic skills you need in business.  (Skills Quotes) The basic skills of math, English and writing are not enough, ... You must develop a basic system of values to form and guide the use of these skills. The true test will not be what you learned in college, but how you used what you learned.  (Skills Quotes) At a purely practical level, history is important because it provides the basic skills needed for students to go further in sociology, politics, international relations and economics. History is also an ideal discipline for almost all careers in the law, the civil service and the private sector.  (Skills Quotes) In the early days, myself and my friends were into punk because we had no money, just very basic instruments and skills. It was more about the ethos and the energy.  (Skills Quotes) Think about it: If you don’t have any actual, tangible skills, then how can you do anything? You may be laughing and nodding, but do you realize how few people, when asked the basic question, ‘What can you do?’ stumble on the answer and have nothing to say? Most people.  (Skills Quotes) All schools should teach children basic cooking skills. Every school should be able to buy sustainable, good quality food wherever possible from local sources. Every school should include food-growing in the curriculum. For some, that will mean twinning with willing farms. For others, it will mean literally building their own small farms.  (Skills Quotes) Basketball really is a metaphor for life - the intangible skills I have learned on the court, have helped shape the person I am today.  (Skills Quotes) There is no reason to be disappointed. India will progress very fast and the skills of our youth will take India ahead.  (Skills Quotes) We’re losing social skills, the human interaction skills, how to read a person’s mood, to read their body language, how to be patient until the moment is right to make or press a point. Too much exclusive use of electronic information dehumanises what is a very, very important part of community life and living together.  (Skills Quotes) Universities should be about more than developing work skills. They must also be about producing civic-minded and critically engaged citizens - citizens who can engage in debate, dialogue and bear witness to a different and critical sense of remembering, agency, ethics and collective resistance.  (Skills Quotes) I knew coming into this to fight that this was going to be a world class fight, but I knew he didn’t have the skills to beat me.  (Skills Quotes)
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