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Wright is a visionary with a great strategic mind, and he’s a strong business leader with outstanding people skills, ... He’s a terrific guy and will be a key force in guiding the company’s future growth.  (Skills Quotes) Speaking Spanish and Japanese has opened doors in my career and helped me bridge cultural differences, both in my personal and business life. During my football career I realised quickly what difference language skills can make  (Skills Quotes) Introverts .. may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas,  (Skills Quotes) I studied business and also studied film, then I graduated, and I worked at a network. I was able to use my business skills there - I was an associate producer for a little bit.  (Skills Quotes) Whenever you see some business person quoted complaining about how he or she can’t find workers with the necessary skills, ask what wage they’re offering.  (Skills Quotes) I picked up business skills along the way, but there are things you learn at school like speaking the language of business so you can speak with CEOs.  (Skills Quotes) My business skills have come from being guided by my inner self - my intuition  (Skills Quotes) I think we need to rethink a lot of business skills. In finance, for example, social impact bonds are potentially a way of providing capital for investments that save the public money in a context in which government often doesn’t invest in things that would save it money.  (Skills Quotes) People with highly transferable skills may be specialists in certain areas, but they’re also incredible generalists - something businesses that want to grow need.  (Skills Quotes) I couldn’t do anything. I’d work in a department store for a couple of weeks, but I couldn’t hack it. I couldn’t even type! I had no skills whatsoever outside of show business.  (Skills Quotes) A genuinely humble attitude is one of the greatest skills in business. Because it compels us to LISTEN and LEARN.  (Skills Quotes) My own rapping skills are quite good, actually. You get this thing, I think it’s called Songify or AutoRap, and you talk into them, and they auto-tune it and make it into a quite interesting musical number. And I got one where it builds it into a rap.  (Skills Quotes) With the skills that I have and with my commitment to getting better I don’t see any reason I can’t win every single fight I’m in.  (Skills Quotes) When I worked as a music and fashion photographer, I always had the nagging feeling that there was something missing, that I wasn’t using my skills productively. I gave up photography - I walked away from it completely - and started doing care work.  (Skills Quotes) I can have my day carefully planned, but if someone wakes up with a cough or a sniffle, then everything changes. Thinking quickly and adapting without grumbling are essential skills to learn, in my opinion.  (Skills Quotes) If it’s about the strength, every big animal can catch any mouse... but the skillful brand of the cat makes it’s catch exceptional! Go, get the skills!  (Skills Quotes) [Patrick Leonard] is such a magnificent composer. I don’t think there is anybody working today with those kind of skills that could translate one of my tunes into that really beautiful chamber music.  (Skills Quotes) Obama won the presidency on the strength of his message and the skills of the messenger. Now the talk of hope and change feels out of tune when so many Americans are out of work, over-mortgaged, and worried that life will be even tougher for their children.  (Skills Quotes) We can and must use our combined skills at every opportunity available to address climate change  (Skills Quotes) It can literally change someone’s life; it’s very positive for young teenagers to get into cosplay if they do it with their friends or with supervision from their parents - it can really foster their social skills.  (Skills Quotes) It’s important to get in the habit of growing as a human being, developing and refining leadership and management skills and entrepreneurial instincts and changing to accommodate the times.  (Skills Quotes) I’ve been cutting my hair ever since college. I try to do that whenever it gets rough. I’m not too cheap to go the barber shop, but I mostly try to do that by myself. I try to keep my skills sharp.  (Skills Quotes) Many men have children, but not many children have ‘Fathers’. Age releases to you reproductive skills. Fatherhood requires LEADERSHIP skills  (Skills Quotes) When I became a father acting sort of took the place of what I did in my free time and my children became the main focus. I play a lot and my children play. Both my sons - my daughter’s still too young really - have surpassed me with their music skills, which is wildly irritating.  (Skills Quotes) Head Start’s ability to improve the educational skills and opportunities of Latino children will be an important component of America’s future success.  (Skills Quotes) A huge part of what a kid learns when they’re growing up is social and emotional development. As adults, we take it for granted that other people have emotions that are different from ours, and we can identify what they are, but those are skills that children have to learn.  (Skills Quotes) First, knife skills. Then, knowing how to control heat. Most important is choosing the right product .. the rest is simple.  (Skills Quotes) I was always the Class Clown and over time became very good at it. I started doing comedy on stage at the Dallas Comedy Corner where I honed my skills by watching guys like Garry Shandling, Robin Williams, Jay Lena and more.  (Skills Quotes) What, of course, we want in a university is for people to learn the skills they’re going to need outside the classroom. So, having a system that had more emphasis on inquiry and exploration but also on learning and practising specific skills would fit much better with how we know people learn.  (Skills Quotes) It’s Nixon who created the Environmental Protection Agency. Clean Air and Water Acts. Endangered Species Act. Promoted affirmative action. One could go on and on with Nixon as a New Deal liberal on domestic policy and a hawk, but one with great geo-political skills.  (Skills Quotes)
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