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Apart from boosting our long-term economic strength like other Asian economic powers, Philippine companies expanding overseas and going beyond our comfort zones, or going to some uncharted territories, will help sharpen our management skills.  (Skills Quotes) We’ve lost our competitive spirit. We’ve become so obsessed with making kids feel good about themselves that we’ve lost sight of building the skills they need to actually be good at things.  (Skills Quotes) [On performing in action movies] I’ve spent all those years learning how to do certain skills, and then that competitive spirit kicks in and you want to do the stunts. Basically, it’s the the male competitive ego at work.  (Skills Quotes) While many hackers have the knowledge, skills, and tools to attack computer systems, they generally lack the motivation to cause violence or severe economic or social harm.  (Skills Quotes) It was used for decades to describe talented computer enthusiasts, people whose skill at using computers to solve technical problems and puzzles was - and is - respected and admired by others possessing similar technical skills.  (Skills Quotes) I was around computers from birth; we had one of the first Macs, which came out shortly before I was born, and my dad ran a company that wrote computer operating systems. I don’t think I have any particular technical skills; I just got a really large head start.  (Skills Quotes) Confidence and courage are special skills to the art ... Within the four walls of his study, the artist should be modest, work diligently and conscientiously. While for the public, he’ll show himself audacious, yes even into cheerful boldness. And so a new public’s darling has arisen.  (Skills Quotes) Writing a poem ... is a kind of possible love affair between something like the heart (that courageous but also shy factory of emotion) and the learned skills of the conscious mind.  (Skills Quotes) When I was 13, I entered the seminary in the hope of becoming a priest. But I often found myself helping the nuns in the kitchen and thus discovered my passion for cooking. I began to cultivate my skills and aspirations at the age of 15, when I embarked on my first apprenticeship.  (Skills Quotes) Cooking classes are a great way to hone your skills, learn new recipes, and meet like-minded friends. Spending time in the kitchen with people who love to cook as much as you do is fun and educational.  (Skills Quotes) Reading develops cognitive skills. It trains our minds to think critically and to question what you are told. This is why dictators censor or ban books. It’s why it was illegal to teach slaves to read. It’s why girls in developing countries have acid thrown in their faces when they walk to school.  (Skills Quotes) Great leadership has more to do with character, courage, and conviction than it does with specific skills or competencies.  (Skills Quotes) When I moved to the East Village in the late seventies, I wanted to be a street performer, so I practiced daily. I never did work up the skills or the courage to perform on the street, though.  (Skills Quotes) An unedited manuscript is a first draft of story; but is not a finished product. Too many writers study the craft of writing but do not acquire the skills of an editor.  (Skills Quotes) When I look at the success I have, it’s because of my creative thinking skills  (Skills Quotes) When I look at the success I have, it’s because of my creative-thinking skills  (Skills Quotes) If you don’t have the money management skills yet, using a debit card will ensure you don’t overspend and rack up debt on a credit card.  (Skills Quotes) Much of education today focuses on obedience skills rather than critical thinking skills  (Skills Quotes) No Child Left Behind widens the gap between the races more than any piece of educational legislation I’ve seen in 40 years. It denies inner-city kids the critical-thinking skills to interrogate reality.  (Skills Quotes) When our children are old enough, and if we can afford to, we send them to college, where ... the point is to acquire the skills not of positive thinking but of critical thinking ...  (Skills Quotes) The capacity to innovate - the ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life - and skills like critical thinking, communication and collaboration are far more important than academic knowledge.  (Skills Quotes) The most fundamental attack on freedom is the attack on critical thinking skills. Comments display our universal failure to teach and value critical thinking, leaving the possibility open that both everything and nothing could be true.  (Skills Quotes) A good education teaches you how to ask a question. It’s knowing what you don’t know; the skills of critical thought.  (Skills Quotes) Dealing with a counter clerk at the phone company who had all the customer service skills of a homicidal sociopath on work release.  (Skills Quotes) Unsettling signs of al Qaeda’s aims and skills in cyberspace have led some government experts to conclude that terrorists are at the threshold of using the Internet as a direct instrument of bloodshed.  (Skills Quotes) I have always been a bit of an introvert. In fact, my dad used to force me to meet people so that my interpersonal skills improve. As an individual, I was happiest when left alone.  (Skills Quotes) Dancers work and they work and they work, and they master their skills so far that improvisation just comes flowing out of them. Their natural expression of the best they can possibly be comes out of them because there is no boundary to hold them back... That’s the mentality that I’m trying to create, recreate and hold on to forever.  (Skills Quotes) Education is not the piling on of learning information data facts skills or abilities that’s training or instruction but is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed  (Skills Quotes) Most men would love to be stared at by women. Don’t doubt me on this. And my guess is that most women are actually intrigued by it and have developed techniques and skills for dealing with it. Don’t doubt me.  (Skills Quotes) Even though it’s a shortened format of the game, Twenty20 allows people with different skills to play in a team and play their specific roles. Obviously there’s not too much time to waste balls, but if you look at guys who play well in the top six, they have a fairly decent amount of good cricketing ability.  (Skills Quotes)
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