Skin Quotes

Text Quotes
We can’t afford the wrath of Heaven. We survived a deluge by the skin of our teeth, but an economic crisis would be disastrous (Skin Quotes)
I’m pretty blessed when it comes to clear skin. I owe that to being Cape Verdian. My whole family has great skin. My grandfather is 80 but doesn’t look a day over 50. And we all love the sun, too, so blessed is an understatement! (Skin Quotes)
I’m lucky with my skin - it doesn’t require a lot of attention, so I keep things simple. And I drink a lot of water (Skin Quotes)
I’ve gone to skin doctors and they’ll say to you, ‘We should remove this because it’s pre-cancerous,’ and I’ll say, ‘Explain pre-cancerous to me.’ I’ll listen for about twenty minutes and I’ll say excuse me, ‘Is pre-cancerous like pre-dead? So you’re saying it could turn into cancer but it’s not cancer?’ (Skin Quotes)
True self-esteem is realizing that you are valuable because you were born. No matter where you came from, what color your skin is, what people say about your family or what mean things people may have done to you, because you were born, you are important and you matter (Skin Quotes)
My biggest fear isn’t crashing this bike at 85mph and losing my skin - it’s sitting in a chair at 90 and thinking ‘I wish I’d done more’ (Skin Quotes)
[My work] is using light as a material to influence or affect the medium of perception. I feel that I want to use light as this wonderful and magic elixir that we drink as Vitamin D through the skin - and I mean, we are literally light-eaters - to then affect the way that we see (Skin Quotes)
I was asked by an NPR reporter once, why don’t I talk about race that often. I said it’s because I’m a neurosurgeon. And she thought that was a strange response. And you say - I said, you see, when I take someone to the operating room, I’m actually operating on the thing that makes them who they are. The skin doesn’t make them who they are (Skin Quotes)
I keep telling everyone that I want to start a revolution but no one is taking me seriously. If I had black skin and an afro, would you take me seriously? If I was an Arab waving a hand grenade, would you take me seriously? (Skin Quotes)
I never really had to put much thought into my race, and neither did anybody else. I knew I was black. I knew there was a history that accompanied my skin color, and my parents taught me to be proud of it. End of story (Skin Quotes)
My spray-tan woman is amazing. She comes to my house at 10 o’clock the night before a shoot. The results are so brown, flawless, and natural. It’s just weird because my natural skin color is very white, almost whitish yellow (Skin Quotes)
Sunscreen is my number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 tip. I’m a fanatic, partially because I live in L.A. and have fair skin and freckles, and partially because of my kids. My mom always made me wear sunscreen and I’m trying to be that mom for them (Skin Quotes)
My favorite way to cook trout is whole, bone-in, on the grill. The fish are stuffed with sliced lemons and herb sprigs, brushed with oil, and cooked over fairly hot coals until the skin is crisp and the flesh is moist and flaky. Go ahead and gild the lily by adding a sauce (Skin Quotes)
There’s something majestic about a 30-pound Chinook salmon roasted and served whole - people get excited when you present it with the head and tail on. It has beautifully browned skin and extraordinary bright red flesh when you cut into it (Skin Quotes)
My father was short for a man, with a child’s plaything for a name - Spinner. He had flawless dark brown skin and a head full of big, wet-looking curls, black as oil. And he had the smile of a scoundrel - the kind of smile that disarmed men and undressed women (Skin Quotes)
You have to realize, when you’re a comedian, that you have to have a thick skin. And trust me, being onstage in front of people is already difficult enough. Somebody’s personal attack in an email is not as hard as getting onstage (Skin Quotes)
I had retail businesses. They were beauty businesses, skin care and all that. I got into that as a fluke. I was going to open up a gym. I just had a Men’s Fitness cover come out that was the third bestselling of Men’s Fitness covers (Skin Quotes)
I was gonna open a gym and was in negotiation to buy the gym I was working out at. It was a small mom-and-pop and (the owner) wanted to move back to the west coast. My wife at (that) time came down with skin cancer (Skin Quotes)
There has to be an entry point to learn about myself, or an idea I’ve never tried, because then I can try on a new skin and see the world through a different perspective. If I have that spark, then I’ll save the [music] file (Skin Quotes)
The pioneer labor historian John Commons was not wrong when he wrote around World War One that exploiting and deepening such tensions as outpacing scientific management among U.S. innovations where bossing was concerned. Amidst the general miseries of proletarianization, workers also learned that one source of meager benefits and protections could lie in claiming a white skin (Skin Quotes)
I want to be who I am now. I rock my gray hair because it is a blessing. I colored mine for many years, but I’ve gotten compliments from so many men and women about being brave enough to sport the gray. I even wear it on the cover of my record. I am comfortable in my skin and I want listeners to feel that as well (Skin Quotes)
I live there...Far above the song-filled clouds,where the dewdrops touch my skin so bareI live there (Skin Quotes)
Nip/Tuck’ did make me very comfortable in my own skin, no pun intended. I had to be stripped down a lot, and you’re kind of in front of the whole world, and it teaches you to accept yourself and be comfortable with yourself real quickly (Skin Quotes)
When I was in first grade, the kids called me ‘fatso.’ It hurt, but the way I overcame it was to outrun every kid in the class. So I developed a thick skin, and athletics became my way of performing and being accepted (Skin Quotes)
After all these years, I’ve done well and I’m cool. I feel comfortable in my skin, I’ve saved some paper, everybody’s healthy, my kids are beautiful and smart, doing different things, it’s all good. (Skin Quotes)
The first thing I do after work is take off my TV makeup with a gentle cleanser. I also try to exfoliate twice a week. Waking up with dull, flaky skin is no way to start the day. (Skin Quotes)
The afternoon light brightening the green in her eyes, her tan skin the last memory of fall (Skin Quotes)
My beliefs are now one hundred percent against racism and segregation in any form and I also believe that we don’t judge a person by the color of his skin but rather by his deeds. (Skin Quotes)
Life is not quantifiable in terms of age, but I suppose in my fifties I am more grounded and more at ease in my own skin than when I was younger. I have a confidence that I didn’t have before from the experiences I’ve had. (Skin Quotes)
Just because someone looks old doesn’t mean he or she is. The skin of some people who spend a lot of time outdoors seems to age very rapidly. Someone can look 80 or 90 and only be 40 to 50. (Skin Quotes)