Skipped Quotes

Text Quotes
I might have skipped class, but I didn’t miss any lessons (Skipped Quotes)
I wish I could have skipped college (Skipped Quotes)
Maybe we shouldn’t have skipped the getting to know each other part (Skipped Quotes)
The art of reading is to skip judiciously. Whole libraries may be skipped in these days, when we have the results of them in our modern culture without going over the ground again (Skipped Quotes)
Rilla’s heart skipped a beat - or, if that be a pysiological impossibility, she thought it did (Skipped Quotes)
In my worst moments, I think the biggest effect of ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves’ was to kill the happiness of people who had previously skipped through life, unaware of all the atrocities lurking in the world around them. (Skipped Quotes)
I used to enjoy using dots where they would be least expected, not at the end of a sentence but in the middle, creating the effect... of a skipped beat. It seemed to me the mind reacted - first!... in dots, dashes, and exclamation points, then rationalized, drew up a brief, with periods. (Skipped Quotes)
I skipped kindergarten because I was reading at a pretty high level. That’s a weird and cocky thing to say, but I was real sharp, and I knew that early on. (Skipped Quotes)
The ‘Maybe Memories’ album I remember having and listening until it broke. I remember it skipped one day; two or three songs wouldn’t play on my CD player because I listened to it so much. (Skipped Quotes)
In flight...entire days can be wound back or skipped we exist merely in a world of vapor. Adventures are both beginning and coming to a close up here as people from opposite ends of experience paradoxically move in one direction. (Skipped Quotes)
After a few awkward moments, Lizzy joined them and they skipped along the avenue, the three of them, laughing and whooping and altogether making an undignified spectacle of themselves. (Skipped Quotes)
Thank God. Now maybe he’ll stop acting like a cranky toddler that skipped nap time (Skipped Quotes)
I was very insecure at the beginning of my career. I didn’t value my talent. I would have probably skipped signing up for movies that I didn’t want to do if I had understood that I had been accepted and people liked my work (Skipped Quotes)
I don’t like to boast, but I have probably skipped more poetry than any other person of my age and weight in this country (Skipped Quotes)
The little girl skipped by under the wrinkled oak leaves and held fast to a replica of herself (Skipped Quotes)
Love is like a charming romance which is read with avidity, and often with such impatience that many pages are skipped to reach the denouement sooner (Skipped Quotes)
Someone skipped on the rent and they left behind a huge upright piano, which got moved into our apartment so the other apartment could get rented out. I took to it and started playing (Skipped Quotes)
Sometimes I remind myself that I almost skipped the party, that I almost went to a different college, that the whim of a minute could have changed everything and everyone. Our lives, so settled, so specific, are built on happenstance (Skipped Quotes)
The child molester skipped breakfast, but said he’d grab a little something on the way to work (Skipped Quotes)
I left school at 16 and skipped university to work, initially as a waiter. I think I missed out on what would have been great years (Skipped Quotes)
I think I skipped a lot of music, like when I was 17 or 18. I didn’t know about a lot of new bands because I was so immersed in older music (Skipped Quotes)
Some books are not read in the right way because they have skipped a stage of opinion, assume a crystallization of information in society which has not yet taken place (Skipped Quotes)
In the mess of moving from place to place, I skipped two grades in the space of one year (Skipped Quotes)
This skipping is another important point. It should be done whenever a proof seems too hard or whenever a theorem or a whole paragraph does not appeal to the reader. In most cases he will be able to go on and later he may return to the parts which he skipped (Skipped Quotes)
When I turned 18, I skipped my party to take my girlfriend on a road trip. It turned out to be an amazing birthday (Skipped Quotes)
In flight... entire days can be wound back or skipped over... as we exist merely in a world of vapor. Adventures are both beginning and coming to a close up here as people from opposite ends of experience paradoxically move in one direction (Skipped Quotes)