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Skipper Quotes

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An angry skipper makes an unhappy crew  (Skipper Quotes) Privacy and loneliness were the traditional luxuries accorded to a skipper  (Skipper Quotes) Not scoring one for the whole calendar year last year was a bit disappointing but I didn’t really feel any pressure to get my first one as skipper,  (Skipper Quotes) When I put out to sea, I do not offer advice to the skipper about the management of the ship  (Skipper Quotes) Media were never allowed into an Australian dressing room until I became skipper. I changed that and invited them in at the close of play each day, thereby confirming for many administrators they had appointed a madman as captain  (Skipper Quotes) My uncle was skipper on the old Claymore sailing out from Oban to the Inner Hebrides. My father worked for MacBraynes all his life, on freight boats and then on ferries crossing to Skye, Barra, Uist, the small isles and Iona.  (Skipper Quotes)