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Skull Quotes

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When you see me smash somebody’s skull, you enjoy it  (Skull Quotes) Masks beneath masks until suddenly the bare bloodless skull  (Skull Quotes) Inside skull vast as outside skull  (Skull Quotes) Life’s true face is the skull  (Skull Quotes) The slime of all my yesterdays rots in the hollow of my skull  (Skull Quotes) Reality is inside the skull  (Skull Quotes) Erudition, n. Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull  (Skull Quotes) The skull is nature's sculpture  (Skull Quotes) With various readings stored his empty skull, learn'd without sense, and venerably dull  (Skull Quotes) I can’t bear the silent ringing in my skull  (Skull Quotes) You should have seen the look on your skull  (Skull Quotes) The brain is closer to the skull  (Skull Quotes) When I got heartbroken at 20, it just felt like someone had spiraled a football right into my skull. At 40, it feels like someone had driven a 757 right through me  (Skull Quotes) Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull  (Skull Quotes) Neanderthal man listened to stories, if one may judge by the shape of his skull  (Skull Quotes) I also discovered the only complete Brontosaurus skull  (Skull Quotes) I'd learned quite early in life that the mind loves nothing better than to spook itself with outlandish stories, as if the various coils of the brain were no more than a troop of roly-poly Girl Guides huddled over a campfire in the darkness of the skull  (Skull Quotes) The Cat: When the wine drinks itself, when the skull speaks, when the clock strikes the right time, only then will you find the tunnel that leads to the Red Bull. There be a trick to it, of course  (Skull Quotes) Maybe I am becoming a hermit, opening the door for only a few special animals? Maybe my skull is too crowded and it has no opening through which to feed it soup?  (Skull Quotes) And weave fine cobwebs, fit for skull that's empty when the moon is full; such as take lodgings in a head that's to be let unfurnished  (Skull Quotes) Kaufman almost smiled at the perfection of its horror. He felt an offer of insanity tickling the base of his skull, tempting him into oblivion, promising a blank indifference to the world  (Skull Quotes) He had one of those faces where you were aware of the bones beneath the skin, as if even his bare skull would be attractive  (Skull Quotes) She needed to get out of there. Her brains, thankfully, were still safely in her skull, but her emotions were splattered on the pavement  (Skull Quotes) Can you understand your own dreams, which arise with mushrooms' rank richness in the night - forests within your skull?  (Skull Quotes) My life is like a memento mori painting from European art: there is always a grinning skull at my side to remind me of the folly of human ambition  (Skull Quotes) Every writer is a frustrated actor who recites his lines in the hidden auditorium of his skull  (Skull Quotes) There are two dilemmas that rattle the human skull: How do you hang on to someone who won’t stay? And how do you get rid of someone who won’t go?  (Skull Quotes) The competent programmer is fully aware of the limited size of his own skull. He therefore approaches his task with full humility, and avoids clever tricks like the plague  (Skull Quotes) Normally, we are happy to find a fragment of jaw, a few isolated teeth, a bit of an arm, a bit of a skull. But to find associated body parts is extremely rare  (Skull Quotes) I swear I have never told a player to attack another player. In fact, I have told my players if they ever hear me saying something like this, they can break a stick over my skull. I ask only that they play aggressively  (Skull Quotes)
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