Slavery Quotes

Text Quotes
I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think and feel. (Slavery Quotes)
The anti-slavery parties were also called spoilers, including the Republican party that went on not just to abolish slavery but they actually take over the Presidency moving very quickly from third-party into the Presidency. (Slavery Quotes)
The main challenge Not For Sale is big and it is modern day slavery, which is a $32billion dollar industry second to the illegal trade of drugs and arms. (Slavery Quotes)
In the early 1800s, religion was often used as a way to keep slavery in place. Slaves were forced to attend the church of their owners, listen to selective dogma that kept them obedient and subservient. (Slavery Quotes)
I get out of all of these things that many of these candidates would rather take legislation to build a time machine and go back in time to where we had, you know, no women voting, slavery was cool. I mean, it’s just kind of ridiculous. (Slavery Quotes)
I have sworn eternal opposition to slavery, and by the blessing of God, I will never go back (Slavery Quotes)
Slavery was not a bad day on the job. It was not your boss yelling at you. It was not hard work for little pay. This was a full system of human subjugation. (Slavery Quotes)
Slavery was incredibly prosperous for some people, at that time. It was not a bad business plan, but it was terrible and inhumane. But as a business it worked. (Slavery Quotes)
I have always thought that all men should be free; but if any should be slaves, it should be first those who desire for themselves, and secondly those who desire it for others. Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. (Slavery Quotes)
You may try but you can never imagine what it is to have a man’s form of genius in you, and to suffer the slavery of being a girl. (Slavery Quotes)
Should I be worried about being a slave and being returned to slavery? Because certain things happened in the Constitution that had to change. (Slavery Quotes)
Culture of dependency leads to a life of slavery, being totally dependent upon government. And government dictates where they go in life. (Slavery Quotes)
There’s no dishonor in being forced by a superior power into slavery, but it is an eternal disgrace to voluntarily surrender one’s liberty for a filthy bowl of oatmeal and promise of security by liars. (Slavery Quotes)
But when you see personal artifacts relating to - by genealogy at least - a living human being, it was just more impressive to me than just about anything I’ve ever read about slavery before. (Slavery Quotes)
Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery. People are working every minute. The machinery is always going. Even when you sleep. (Slavery Quotes)
I’m offended by the is-ought fallacy, which has been used to justify slavery, women not being allowed to vote, children working in factories. (Slavery Quotes)
Wherever we’ve gone around the world, we’ve found quite significant gaps: the holy texts, no matter which one you turn to, has ambiguity in it around slavery. That, we knew, was being used as justification by slavers all over the world. (Slavery Quotes)
When you have somebody that’s smart and you’re not so smart, to me that’s modern day slavery because you’re being dictated to. (Slavery Quotes)
All my life I believed I became an athlete through my own determination, but it’s impossible to think that being descended from slaves hasn’t left an imprint through the generations. Difficult as it was to hear, slavery has benefited descendants like me - I believe there is a superior athletic gene in us. (Slavery Quotes)
Now I confess myself as belonging to that class in the country who contemplate slavery as a moral, social and political evil... (Slavery Quotes)
I hope that young people especially will begin to have a better understanding of slavery and its effects, which are still evident today, to understand those parallels and, from there, begin ta be a part of the wave of hope to change things for the better. (Slavery Quotes)
The practice of shaving makes its first appearance in the Bible in connection with the story of Joseph, who as a young man was sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt, where he was subsequently imprisoned on false charges. (Slavery Quotes)
Our touchstones of slavery are ‘Song of the South,’ ‘Gone With the Wind’ and ‘The Birth of a Nation.’ It’s hard to separate the cinematic quality from the underlying themes. I appreciate the films, but the message was repugnant. (Slavery Quotes)
Democracy turns upon and devours itself. Universal suffrage, in theory the palladium of our liberties, becomes the assurance of our slavery. And that slavery will grow more and more abject and ignoble as the differential birth rate, the deliberate encouragement of mendicancy and the failure of popular education produce a larger and larger mass of prehensile half-wits, and so make the demagogues more and more secure. (Slavery Quotes)
Young black men in America have an identity ascribed to them that is a direct legacy of slavery (Slavery Quotes)
The injustices endured by black Americans at the hands of their own government have no parallel in our history, not only during the period of slavery but also in the Jim Crow era that followed. (Slavery Quotes)
The liberal psyche wants to protect minorities, to apologize for imperialism, colonialism, slavery, and the appalling treatment of black people during the civil rights movement. At the same time, they want to continue to defend the rights of individuals. (Slavery Quotes)
The breakdown of the black community, in order to maintain slavery, began with the breakdown of the black family. Men and women were not legally allowed to get married because you couldn’t have that kind of love. It might get in the way of the economics of slavery. Your children could be taken from you and literally sold down the river. (Slavery Quotes)
The greatest danger to the liberal vision are facts about the consequences of liberalism itself and the laws, policies, and ways of life that the left has spawned. That the black family, which survived centuries of slavery and generations of discrimination, has disintegrated in the wake of the liberal welfare states is only one example. (Slavery Quotes)
What if history was changed? slavery reversed Would black ladies see white boys and clinch they purse? (Slavery Quotes)