Slavery Quotes

Text Quotes
I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil. Everything we do is to improve it, if it happens in our day; if not, let us transmit to our descendants, together with our slaves, a pity for their unhappy lot and an abhorrence of slavery (Slavery Quotes)
Telling the truth will lead you to freedom; telling the lies will lead you to slavery (Slavery Quotes)
All good men wish the entire abolition of slavery, as soon as it can take place with safety to the public, and for the lasting good of the present wretched race of slaves. The only possible step that could be taken towards it by the convention was to fix a period after which they should not be imported (Slavery Quotes)
Slavery naturally tends to destroy all sense of justice and equity. It puffs up the mind with pride: teaches youth a habit of looking down upon their fellow creatures with contempt, esteeming them as dogs or devils, and imagining themselves beings of superior dignity and importance, to whom all are indebted. This banishes the idea, and unqualifies the mind for the practice of common justice (Slavery Quotes)
In raising a people from slavery to freedom, you have called them to act on a new theatre; and it is a necessary part of your business, to teach them how to perform their parts (Slavery Quotes)
The struggle to avert catastrophic climate change is bigger than all the other struggles, whether it is slavery, democracy struggles, the woman’s right to vote, and so on I would argue that if what is at stake is securing life as we know it, then there can be no bigger struggle that we face (Slavery Quotes)
That state is a state of slavery in which a man does what he likes to do in his spare time and in his working time that which is required of him (Slavery Quotes)
Under chattel slavery and feudalism, exploitation was concrete and personalized in the producer’s relationship with his master. The slave and peasant knew exactly who was screwing them. The modern worker, on the other hand, feels a pounding sensation, but has only a vague idea where it is coming from (Slavery Quotes)
Saying slavery was the cause of secession isn’t politically correct; it’s correct correct (Slavery Quotes)
Evil working in subtler fashion; marriages that proved to be no more then legalized slavery, and the careful manipulation of a bright and sensitive mind until its owner truly believed with all her heart in her own worthlessness. Betrayal, not once, but many times over (Slavery Quotes)
If we are to cherish freedom, and to guard it, we must remember what the alternative is: the bread of affliction and the bitter herbs of slavery (Slavery Quotes)
Every artist, every scientist, every writer must decide now where he stands. The artist must take sides. He must elect to fight for freedom or for slavery. I have made my choice. I had no alternative (Slavery Quotes)
Let us start with the biggest no brainer of injustice in the world and that is slavery (Slavery Quotes)
The centre of his world was the south where he was born in slavery some 79 years ago and where he did his work as a creative scientist (Slavery Quotes)
God knows that I detest slavery, but it is an existing evil, for which we are not responsible, and we must endure it, till we can get rid of it without destroying the last hope of free government in the world (Slavery Quotes)
Capitalism is a development by refinement from feudalism, just as feudalism is development by refinement from slavery. Capitalism is but the gentlemen’s method of slavery (Slavery Quotes)
I hate it when they tell us how far we’ve came to be; as if our people’s history started with slavery (Slavery Quotes)
Every man knows that slavery is a curse. Whoever denies this, his lips libel his heart (Slavery Quotes)
The question may seem embarrassing, but it can be answered in a few words. For two people to live in peace they must both want peace; if one insists on using force to oblige the other to work for him and serve him, then the other, if he wishes to retain his dignity as a man and not be reduced to abject slavery, will be obliged in spite of his love of peace, to resist force with adequate means (Slavery Quotes)
I don’t think the people of the slave states will ever consider the subject of slavery in its true light till some other argument is resorted to other than moral persuasion (Slavery Quotes)
At first glance, the rhythm may be confused with gaiety, but when you look more closely at the mechanism of social life and the painful slavery of both men and machines, you see that it is nothing but a kind of typical, empty anguish that makes even crime and gangs forgivable means of escape (Slavery Quotes)
In many ways the rise of the state was the descent of the world from freedom to slavery (Slavery Quotes)
I was, in reality, bred by my parents as my father’s concubine... What we take for granted as the stability of family life may well depend on the sexual slavery of our children. What’s more, this is a cynical arrangement our institutions have colluded to conceal (Slavery Quotes)
Sir, I do firmly believe that domestic slavery, regulated as ours is, produces the highest toned, the purest, best organization of society that has ever existed on the face of the earth (Slavery Quotes)
We must look at the institution of slavery as publicists, and not as casuists. It is a question of law, and not a case of conscience (Slavery Quotes)
Nor is the guilt entirely with the warmongers, plutocrats and demagogues. If people permit exploitation and regimentation in any name, they deserve their slavery. A tyrant does not make his tyranny possible. It is made by the people and not otherwise (Slavery Quotes)
At times some people use force or fraud to take from others without willful, voluntary consent. Normally, the initiation of force to take life is murder, to take liberty is slavery, and to take property is theft. It is the same whether these actions are done by one person acting alone, by the many acting against a few, or even by officials with fine hats and titles (Slavery Quotes)
A freedom or pleasure that rests on someone else’s slavery or misery cannot finally satisfy the self because it is a limitation or narrowing of the self, an admission of impotence, an offense against generosity and justice. Our freedom depends on other people’s freedom, for our fates are inextricably interwoven with others’, especially with those we love (Slavery Quotes)
Freedom from slavery is achieved only when a person starts to feel and understand that he would prefer death to life as a slave (Slavery Quotes)
The black family unit that had survived 150 years of slavery was decimated in less than 30 years by welfare payments that stopped if the family structure remained intact (Slavery Quotes)