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Sleep Quotes

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The main essentials of a successful prime minister are sleep and a sense of history  (Sleep Quotes) It’s hard to take over the world when you sleep 20 hours a day  (Sleep Quotes) No one should do a job he can do in his sleep  (Sleep Quotes) When our perils are past, shall our gratitude sleep?  (Sleep Quotes) Sex and sleep alone make me conscious that I am mortal  (Sleep Quotes) Death is an eternal sleep  (Sleep Quotes) Sleep: a poor substitute for caffeine!  (Sleep Quotes) The best eraser in the world is a good night’s sleep  (Sleep Quotes) The watchful mother tarries nigh, though sleep has closed her infants eyes  (Sleep Quotes) Dreams are nothing but incoherent ideas, occasioned by partial or imperfect sleep  (Sleep Quotes) Sleep, to the homeless thou art home; the friendless find in thee a friend  (Sleep Quotes) O maternal earth which rocks the fallen leaf to sleep!  (Sleep Quotes) I have no plans to rock myself to sleep in my bath chair yet  (Sleep Quotes) I get like six or so hours of sleep a night  (Sleep Quotes) For some people, what really matters to them is sleep  (Sleep Quotes) Even when we sleep we watch over one another  (Sleep Quotes) Life is a deep sleep of which love is the dream  (Sleep Quotes) ... she fell into a long sleep, and dreamed he dreams of the dream tree  (Sleep Quotes) Every new experience is unusual. The rest of life is just sleep and committee meetings  (Sleep Quotes) A vast black sleep falls over my life sleep, all hope sleep, all desire  (Sleep Quotes) It was impossible to sleep. Anxiety stopped me from falling asleep; depression woke me up  (Sleep Quotes) Never sleep with someone whose troubles are worse than your own  (Sleep Quotes) I read like a wolf eats. I read myself to sleep every night  (Sleep Quotes) As a purely mathematical fact, people who sleep less live more  (Sleep Quotes) I needed sleep. Big squishy bunches of it. Soon  (Sleep Quotes) Sometimes he did not know if he slept or just thought about sleep  (Sleep Quotes) ... all good things beyond sleep come precisely because we defy gravity while we live  (Sleep Quotes) I’ve got to sleep. Sleep is my only way to escape  (Sleep Quotes) Successful women don’t sleep until noon  (Sleep Quotes) When I can’t sleep I count the buckles on my straightjacket  (Sleep Quotes)
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