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Sleep Quotes

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A library is where ideas sleep between covers, waiting for you to discover them  (Sleep Quotes) Our lives are rounded with a sleep  (Sleep Quotes) Practice restraint over the following: appetite, first, as well as sleep, lust, and anger  (Sleep Quotes) You sleep on a win and you’ll wake up with a loss  (Sleep Quotes) I keep having vivid dreams of success. Then it’s time to sleep  (Sleep Quotes) I work day and night without sleep. The paintings keep me fired up  (Sleep Quotes) Envy does not allow humanity to sleep  (Sleep Quotes) I sleep in the nude but I pull the sheets up  (Sleep Quotes) If two people are in love they can sleep on the blade of a knife  (Sleep Quotes) Reason’s a thing we dimly see in sleep  (Sleep Quotes) The poor sleep little  (Sleep Quotes) There is a knowledge in the heart of sleep  (Sleep Quotes) I think sleep is unrated  (Sleep Quotes) I’d rather go to sleep than find a girl  (Sleep Quotes) Discover the great ideas that lie inside you by discovering the power of sleep  (Sleep Quotes) Walk groundly, talk profoundly, drink roundly, sleep soundly  (Sleep Quotes) My manuscripts sleep, while I cannot, for I am covered with poultices  (Sleep Quotes) Men tire themselves in the pursuit of sleep  (Sleep Quotes) I go to sleep happy. I wake up excited because I give the truth  (Sleep Quotes) The soul in sleep gives proof of its divine nature  (Sleep Quotes) In a long work sleep may be naturally expected  (Sleep Quotes) Sleep is the most blessed and blessing of all natural graces  (Sleep Quotes) A slight failing in one virtue is enough to put all the others to sleep  (Sleep Quotes) Beware, for as you sleep, the exhausted man will be first to reach the peak  (Sleep Quotes) I eat once a day if I remember, and I try never to go to sleep  (Sleep Quotes) Freedom is the moment between sleep and waking before selfhood and the world return  (Sleep Quotes) Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep  (Sleep Quotes) Not to have been born is undoubtedly best, but sound sleep is second best  (Sleep Quotes) Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking, morn of toil, nor night of waking  (Sleep Quotes) Sweet sleep fell upon his eyelids, unwakeful, most pleasant, the nearest like death  (Sleep Quotes)
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