Sleep Quotes

Text Quotes
I didn’t say you were a slut. I just implied that you don’t sleep in your own bed too often (Sleep Quotes)
Thanks for being the kind of friend who advises me not to sleep with my ex, and then understands when I do it anyway (Sleep Quotes)
Less love, more sex, no calls, just texts, new girl, no ex, more sleep, no stress (Sleep Quotes)
A boy spends his time looking for different girls to sleep with, but a man spends his time looking for that special one worth waking up to (Sleep Quotes)
Six hours in sleep is enough for youth and age. Perhaps seven for the lazy, but we allow eight to no one (Sleep Quotes)
Two people don’t fall in love because they sleep in the same bed, but because they share the same dreams, and the same foundation of trust (Sleep Quotes)
I’d sleep with my boss if his incompetence at work didn’t make me question his competence in bed (Sleep Quotes)
If the only way I can be with you is in my dreams, then I want to sleep forever (Sleep Quotes)
I don’t need anyone in life who tolerates me, either we’re friends or not, I won’t lose sleep (Sleep Quotes)
I’d like you to attend a wedding with me as a friend who I’m still going to try and sleep with (Sleep Quotes)
Worst feelings: Crying yourself to sleep, being ignored, discovering the person you love loves someone else and someone falling out of love with you (Sleep Quotes)
Being a real man doesn’t mean you sleep with 100 girls. It means you fight for one girl even when 99 others are chasing you (Sleep Quotes)
Don’t just look, observe. Don’t just swallow, taste. Don’t just sleep, dream. Don’t just think, feel. Don’t just exist, live (Sleep Quotes)
Don’t just sleep, dream. Don’t just think, feel. Don’t just exist, live (Sleep Quotes)
When you used to sleep with all of your stuffed animals as a child so none of them would be jealous (Sleep Quotes)
You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. And you are the reason I can’t sleep without saying goodnight (Sleep Quotes)
Girls who don’t smoke, drink, party every weekend, sleep around, or start drama for attention. They are the true ladies (Sleep Quotes)
In the morning I always tell myself that I’m going to come home and go right back to sleep but for some reason that never goes as planned (Sleep Quotes)
No matter how painful your decision has been, as long as you can sleep well at night, it means that you made the right decision (Sleep Quotes)
It’s better to sleep a hundred years and be kissed by the right prince than to stay awake and be kissed a hundred times by the wrong frog (Sleep Quotes)
When you wake up in the morning you have two choices, go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams (Sleep Quotes)
The only reason I drink so much coffee is because I don’t get enough sleep because of all the coffee I drink (Sleep Quotes)
She’s strong because she knows what its like to be weak. She keeps her guard up because she knows what it’s like to cry herself to sleep (Sleep Quotes)
Now I lay me down to take my sleep, I pray thee, lord, my soul to keep; if I should die before I wake; I pray thee, lord, my soul to take (Sleep Quotes)
I cried myself to sleep last night because of you. The next day you apologized. Thats funny that you think you’re automatically worth my time again. Ha, guess not (Sleep Quotes)
No matter how old I get, I still won’t sleep with one hand over the edge of the bed in case of monsters (Sleep Quotes)
I’d get a lot more sleep if I didn’t insist on reading the entire internet every night (Sleep Quotes)
Sorry you’re not getting enough sleep but be glad you don’t have to stay up all night to avoid being eaten by predators (Sleep Quotes)
Never lose sleep thinking about someone who doesn’t stay awake thinking about you (Sleep Quotes)
Most people spend their time trying to find someone to sleep with instead of finding someone worth waking up to (Sleep Quotes)