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Sleepers Quotes

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Contentment is a warm sty for the eaters and sleepers  (Sleepers Quotes) Great eaters and great sleepers are incapable of anything else that is great  (Sleepers Quotes) Even sleepers are workers and collaborators on what goes on in the universe  (Sleepers Quotes) We of the night will know many things of which you sleepers will never dream  (Sleepers Quotes) Wondered how anyone could ever imagine unquiet slumbers, for the sleepers in that quiet earth  (Sleepers Quotes) If parents had children who were good sleepers, they assumed this was due to their good parenting, not good luck  (Sleepers Quotes) If parents had children who were good sleepers, they assumed this was due to their good parenting, not good luck. They followed the rules, and the rules had been proven to work. Celeste must therefore not be following the rules. And you could never prove it to them! They would die smug in their beds.  (Sleepers Quotes) Poor sleepers should endeavor to compose themselves. Tampering with empty space, stirring up echoes in pitch-black pits of darkness is scarcely sedative.(Out Of The Deep)  (Sleepers Quotes) One should either be sad or joyful. Contentment is a warm sty for eaters and sleepers  (Sleepers Quotes) I made three movies in 1995 and I was unhappy with all of them: Sleepers, Incognito, and Speed 2  (Sleepers Quotes) There is not a dream which may not come true, if we have the energy which makes or chooses our own fate... It is only the dreams of those light sleepers who dream faintly that do not come true  (Sleepers Quotes) What do you plan to do in the land of the sleepers? You have been floating in a sea of solitude, and the sea has borne you up. At long last, are you ready for dry land? Are you ready to drag yourself ashore?  (Sleepers Quotes) Insofar as poetry has a social function it is to awaken sleepers by other means than shock  (Sleepers Quotes) All the sleepers in a night of delution beholding so many dreams. In this world of darkness, only those who sever themselves from the meterial world, become absorbed in the contemplation of the supreme. None can be regarded as really woken up from sleep till they have renounced all sensuous delights  (Sleepers Quotes) Sometimes at night I think that my husband is with me again, coming gently through the mists, and we are tranquil together. Then the morning comes, the wavering grey turns to gold, there is stirring within me as the sleepers awake, and he softly departs  (Sleepers Quotes) It was apparent that all of mankind is actually motivated by inner love, but has simply become unaware; most people live their lives as though they’re sleepers unawakened to the perception of who they really are  (Sleepers Quotes) The church is not a dormitory for sleepers, it is an institution for workers; it is not a rest camp, it is a front line trench  (Sleepers Quotes) The waking have one world in common; sleepers have each a private world of his own  (Sleepers Quotes) What's the business, that such a hideous trumpet calls to parley the sleepers of the house? Speak, speak!  (Sleepers Quotes)