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Slimy Quotes

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The swallow sweeps the slimy pool, to build his hanging house  (Slimy Quotes) I simply cannot imagine why anyone would eat something slimy served in an ashtray  (Slimy Quotes) Oh the harsh snarl of guitar strings roaring! Heavenly distensions of our throats! Trousers stiff with dirt and love! Such whoring! Long green slimy nights: we were like stoats  (Slimy Quotes) Well, I’m not good with sliminess. I hate the thought of creatures that have slime on them or creatures that leave a slimy trail. At home, the sight of a slug can bring up my breakfast  (Slimy Quotes) All men are not slimy warthogs. Some men are silly giraffes, some woebegone puppies, some insecure frogs. But if one is not careful, those slimy warthogs can ruin it for all the others  (Slimy Quotes) I hate okra and grated mountain yam for the same reason. They’re both slimy  (Slimy Quotes) People talk about the beauty of the spring, but I can’t see it. The trees are brown and bare, slimy with rain. Some are crawling with new purple hairs. And the buds are bulging like tumorous acne, and I can tell that something wet, and soft, and cold, and misshapen is about to be born. And I am turning into a vampire  (Slimy Quotes) ... You are being the usual slimy hypocritical asshole... You may have had value ten years ago, but people will see that you don’t anymore  (Slimy Quotes) [St. Patrick] was a terror to any snake that came in his path, whether it was the cold, slimy reptile sliding along the ground or the more dangerous snake that oppresses men through false teachings. And he drove the snakes out of the minds of men, snakes of superstition and brutality and cruelty  (Slimy Quotes) In our skulls, we carry around 3 pounds of slimy, wet, greyish tissue, corrugated like crumpled toilet paper. You wouldn’t think, to look at the unappetizing lump, that it was some of the most powerful stuff in the known universe.  (Slimy Quotes) Romance blossomed over a carrier bag full of mackerel. It wasn’t exactly how I imagined it would happen; there were no sunsets, or butterflies, or birdsong, just some smelly dead fish and a slimy carrier bag.  (Slimy Quotes) Virtually every community in the country has legislation regulating door-to-door trade, yet telemarketers have run unchecked for years. The industry in general uses all sorts of slimy tricks to make sure you never make it to the do-not-call list.  (Slimy Quotes) Well, I’m not good with sliminess. I hate the thought of creatures that have slime on them or creatures that leave a slimy trail. At home, the sight of a slug can bring up my breakfast.  (Slimy Quotes)