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Slippery Quotes

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When are we going to say cancer is cured? I’m not sure when that will happen, if that will happen because cancer is a very slippery disease and it involves a vast number of cells in the body and those cells are continually mutating  (Slippery Quotes) What a word is truth. Slippery, tricky, unreliable. I tried in these books to tell the truth  (Slippery Quotes) Once you put human life in human hands, you have started on a slippery slope that knows no boundaries  (Slippery Quotes) It’s hard to get out of the barrel. It’s slippery around the edges and people are happy to see you fall back in  (Slippery Quotes) Above all else stands the burning question of bipartisanship. Whatever else the politicians might say they’re about, our news analysts know that this is the true object of the nation’s desire, the topic to which those slippery presidential spokesmen need always to be dragged back  (Slippery Quotes) Grief and memory go together. After someone dies, that’s what you’re left with. And the memories are so slippery yet so rich  (Slippery Quotes) Then a miracle occurred in the form of a plate of sandwiches. Geryon took three and buried his mouth in a delicious block of white bread filled with tomatoes and butter and salt. He thought about how delicious it was, how he liked slippery foods, how slipperiness can be of different kinds. I am a philosopher of sandwiches, he decided. Things good on the inside  (Slippery Quotes) Reading is an escape, an education, a delving into the brain of another human being on such an intimate level that every nuance of thought, every snapping of synapse, every slippery desire of the author is laid open before you like, well, a book  (Slippery Quotes) Memory is a slippery thing. When something terrible happens to you, like the loss of someone you love... memory can turn into a soft blanket that hides you from the loss  (Slippery Quotes) Wishes are slippery things. You have to be very specific or you can get exactly what you wished for and still end up with nothing  (Slippery Quotes) I peeled the skin off a grape in slippery little triangles, and I understood then that I would be undressing every item of food I could because my clothes would be staying on  (Slippery Quotes) I don’t want these memories to become slippery, to just disappear into the thin air of life the way most things seem to. I want them to stick – even the bad ones – so I repeat them often  (Slippery Quotes) Is hockey hard? I don’t know, you tell me. We need to have the strength and power of a football player, the stamina of a marathon runner, and the concentration of a brain surgeon. But we need to put all this together while moving at high speeds on a cold and slippery surface while 5 other guys use clubs to try and kill us. Oh yeah, did I mention that this whole time we’re standing on blades 1/8 of an inch thick? Is ice hockey hard? I don’t know, you tell me. Next question  (Slippery Quotes) Perhaps generations of students of human evolution, including myself, have been flailing about in the dark; that our data base is too sparse, too slippery, for it to be able to mold our theories. Rather the theories are more statements about us and ideology than about the past. Paleontology reveals more about how humans view themselves than it does about how humans came about, but that is heresy  (Slippery Quotes) The road conditions are so variable here, there is ice, snow and everything in between. But a podium finish is a definite possibility if we stay smooth and adjust to the slippery conditions  (Slippery Quotes) Life is like fording a river, stepping from one slippery stone to another, and you must rejoice every time you don’t lose your balance, and learn to laugh at all the times you do  (Slippery Quotes) Time is a slippery thing: lose hold of it once, and its string might sail out of your hands forever  (Slippery Quotes) Every time I jog through the world, I am awed by what I find. On a winter morning, when it seems too cold and slippery for safe jogging or bicycling, I can still go out and experience the glory of sunlight turning icy branches into strings of sparkling diamonds  (Slippery Quotes) Never bend the rules. You bend the rules a little bit and then it’s a slippery slope  (Slippery Quotes) Those who pray for your downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you, without taking cognisance of the slippery ground in which they are standing, which could lead to their downfall  (Slippery Quotes) Once you begin reviewing judgment calls, which in basketball there are many, you put yourself on a very slippery slope in terms of what could be reviewed, and ultimately the number of reviews that could take place that would make it unwieldy  (Slippery Quotes) Your readers should be so compelled to read your copy that they cannot stop reading until they read all of it as if sliding down a slippery slide  (Slippery Quotes) Time is a slippery concept, and we are often wrong about it... All too often we find ourselves looking in the right places at the wrong times  (Slippery Quotes) Once a month I wake in the night, slippery with terror. I’m afraid, not because there’s someone in the room, in the dark, in the bed, but because there isn’t. I’m afraid of the emptiness, which lies beside me like a corpse  (Slippery Quotes) I love my daughter. She and I have shared my body. There is a part of her mind that is a part of mine. But when she was born, she sprang from me like a slippery fish, and has been swimming away ever since  (Slippery Quotes) Of all the arguments against voluntary euthanasia, the most influential is the slippery slope: once we allow doctors to kill patients, we will not be able to limit the killing to those who want to die  (Slippery Quotes) The digital asset that matters is trust. Awareness first, then interaction, and maybe a habit, but all three mean nothing if they don’t lead to permission and trust. The privilege of connection. Everything else is slippery  (Slippery Quotes) As slippery as smooth grapes, words exploding in the light like dormant seeds waiting in the vaults of vocabulary, alive again, and giving life: once again the heart distills them  (Slippery Quotes) There is nothing in the world that I loathe more than group activity, that communal bath where the hairy and slippery mix in a multiplication of mediocrity  (Slippery Quotes) Ideas are elusive, slippery things. Best to keep a pad of paper and a pencil at your bedside, so you can stab them during the night before they get away  (Slippery Quotes)
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