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Sloppy Quotes

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I am passionate about keeping the human dimension in things. You have to keep the rough edges and the inconsistencies, that’s what makes it interesting. I’ve always striven to be as sloppy as possible  (Sloppy Quotes) The country is laid out in a haphazard, sloppy fashion, offensive to the tidy, organized mind  (Sloppy Quotes) We must get rid of the silly, sloppy idea that all people are equal in capacity  (Sloppy Quotes) I don’t make an effort to be sloppy. I just don’t consider a perfect hairdo and a perfect face to be beautiful. If I had my way I’d dress myself and do my own makeup for magazine shoots  (Sloppy Quotes) Everyone can get a little sloppy with cash and it’s smart to notice. But what’s squeezing you is the big stuff you ladle onto your credit cards  (Sloppy Quotes) I am not a fan of historical fiction that is sloppy in its research or is dishonest about the real history  (Sloppy Quotes) A people that grows accustomed to sloppy writing is a people in the process of losing grip on its empire and on itself  (Sloppy Quotes) You start out happy that you have no hips or boobs. All of a sudden you get them, and it feels sloppy. Then just when you start liking them, they start drooping  (Sloppy Quotes) I don’t think I could have ever had a career as a pianist because I never ever wanted to play the notes the way they were written, I was too sloppy to learn them quite right  (Sloppy Quotes) If you’re sloppy, that’s just fine. If you’re moody, I won’t mind. If you’re fat, that’s fine with me. If you’re skinny, let it be. If you’re bossy, that’s all right. if you’re nasty, I won’t fight. If you’re rough, well that’s just you. If you’re mean, that’s all right too. Whatever you are is all okay. I don’t like you anyway  (Sloppy Quotes) In counting gifts, to one thousand, more, I discover that slapping a sloppy brush of thanksgiving over everything in my life leaves me deeply thankful for very few things in my life  (Sloppy Quotes) Punk rock should mean freedom, liking and excepting anything that you like. Playing whatever you want. As sloppy as you want. As long as it’s good and it has passion  (Sloppy Quotes) You said sloppy! Look, I didn’t even use my sword; I hit him with my head, like a moron  (Sloppy Quotes) If I have a weakness, it’s probably ice cream. That’s where I get lax, sloppy. I’ll sneak into the refrigerator at night and take two or three bites and put it back. Butter pecan. Only two or three bites, but it shows  (Sloppy Quotes) Lots of people have criticized my movies, but nobody has ever identified the real problem: I’m a sloppy filmmaker  (Sloppy Quotes) Low code quality keeps haunting our entire industry. That, and sloppy programmers who don’t understand the frameworks they work within. They’re like plumbers high on glue  (Sloppy Quotes) A lot of men are very sloppy with the way they cheat. You can get caught from your cell phone or hanging around the wrong people while you’re doing your dirt. Or you can get caught after a woman purposely leaves something in your car  (Sloppy Quotes) If you lead a sloppy life, if you indulge in your emotions, if you’re always upset, freaked out, stressful, and not happy, you are wasting power and your power level will get very low  (Sloppy Quotes) When you could be sloppy, you’re not. When you could be indulgent, you’re not. When you could be sad, you laugh instead. If you fall down, you pick yourself up again and again and again  (Sloppy Quotes) When a boy writes off the world, it’s done with sloppy misspelled words, if / a girl writes off the world it’s done in cursive?  (Sloppy Quotes) Sometimes we have to be hard on ourselves. We’ve got to get on our case, if we are being sloppy, lazy, and indulgent  (Sloppy Quotes) You can’t. Do you hear me? You think you’ve figured something out? You run over here so pleased with yourself because you changed your mind. Now you’re certain. You’re so... sloppy. You don’t know anything. The book, the math, the dates, the writing, all that stuff you decided with your buddies, it’s just evidence. It doesn’t finish the job. It doesn’t prove anything  (Sloppy Quotes) Sometimes the characters develop almost without your knowing it. You find them doing things you hadn’t planned on, and then I have to go back to page 42 and fix things. I’m not recommending it as a way to write. It’s very sloppy, but it works for me  (Sloppy Quotes) Those partial to drink were hiding faults and dishonesty. They were sloppy souls, even the ones with pleasant manners and fine noses  (Sloppy Quotes)
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