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Slow Quotes

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Sun lighting a child’s hair. A friend’s embrace. Slow dancing in a safe and quiet place. The pleasures of an ordinary life  (Slow Quotes) If our goal is to slow migration, then the best way to do so is to work for a more equitable global system. But slowing migration is an odd goal, if the real problem is global inequality  (Slow Quotes) Novels, in my experience, are slow in coming, and once I’ve begun them I know I have years rather than months of work ahead of me  (Slow Quotes) An action movie should, like any other, follow the narrative traditions of literature. That means there should be subtlety, a slow build and a gradual bringing together of all the separate threads of the plot. To see all of it coming together slowly is very rewarding for the audience  (Slow Quotes) The hope in radio is to build an audience over a number of years, a slow build to see if something works  (Slow Quotes) In truth, to know oneself seems to be the hardest of all things. Not only our eye, which observes external objects, does not use the sense of sight upon itself, but even our mind, which contemplates intently another’s sin, is slow in the recognition of its own defects  (Slow Quotes) If you want to connect with people who are in distress and great grief and scared, you need to do it in a certain way. I move kind of slow. I talk kind of slow. I let them know that I respect them  (Slow Quotes) It’s funny: All my friends back home are always wondering why every television show I’m on is a drama, but all the comedy pilots I did died a slow and painful death  (Slow Quotes) I’ve actually suffered from allergies my entire life. My mom had allergies, so I was aware of what an issue they can be. Many people allow their allergies to affect their lives. As a mom with two kids and two jobs, I just can’t let allergies slow me down. It’s a day to day thing that can really be remedied by finding the right medication  (Slow Quotes) Here’s a secret: fictive text doesn’t necessarily flow easily. Most of the time it’s more like cutting a highway through a mountain. You just have to keep working with your pick, chipping away at the rock, making slow progress  (Slow Quotes) Slow down. Enjoy life. It’s tough to slow down if your mind is going a million miles a second. It’s tough to slow down if you think what these people do here matters  (Slow Quotes) The best thing that you can do to deal with these high speed times is to slow down, inwardly, to take a little more time for meditation, a little more time to enjoy your morning cup of coffee or tea, and to look around at the people in your life with a little more love  (Slow Quotes) You don’t need to be recluse and stay away from people. But you have to set aside a lot of time for stillness. That is the only place there is real fulfillment. You need to slow it down  (Slow Quotes) I don’t feel like I’ve nearly got to the place where I’m ready to even slow down  (Slow Quotes) When I get old and slow down I want to look behind me and see all the fire and the wreckage and no stone left unturned  (Slow Quotes) I came to running late. It was something I had always wanted to do, but I always end up getting hurt. It didn’t occur to me that I could actually slow down and walk a little bit!  (Slow Quotes) I like challenging myself. I like the challenge of rapping to fast beats, rapping to beats that are super slow, whatever. I like the challenges, so I’m not afraid to take on any piece of music and create a song to it if it feels right to me  (Slow Quotes) We have always needed old people to keep things from going too fast and young people to keep them from going too slow. Youth has fire and age has light and we need both  (Slow Quotes) Well, I outline fanatically. I am a long thinker and a slow writer, though I am trying to get faster  (Slow Quotes) Memory is the most malicious cutter of all, preserving, recasting, panning in slow motion across the awful bits so that we retain every detail  (Slow Quotes) The end of the world was supposed to be gradual. There was supposed to be warning. A long, slow slide. What we got was punctuated equilibrium: a stately wobbling, then a sudden tipping point. There was plenty of warning, I suppose. We just weren’t paying attention  (Slow Quotes) The death of a friendship was usually slow and insidious, like the wearing away of a hillside after years of too much rain. A handful of misunderstandings, a season of miscommunication, the passing of time, and where once stood two women with a dozen years of memories and tears and conversation and laughter-where once stood two women closer than sisters-now stood two strangers  (Slow Quotes) We’ve never had a decline in house prices on a nationwide basis. So, what I think what is more likely is that house prices will slow, maybe stabilize, might slow consumption spending a bit. I don’t think it’s going to drive the economy too far from its full employment path, though  (Slow Quotes) My mind still runs too fast. If we get the wrong fabric or something is stitched the wrong way, I get so angry and so flummoxed that I start spelling my words, just to slow myself down  (Slow Quotes) If you’re in a hurry to find happiness, slow down. Give it a chance to catch up with you  (Slow Quotes) Slow down in your pursuit of happiness and it’s more likely to catch up with you  (Slow Quotes) By taking the time to live life in the slow lane, we quickly experience a deeper, more profound experience of contentment  (Slow Quotes) I sometimes forget that life is fragile. The fact that I have more time to dream my dreams and take my ease is no reason at all to disregard the moment I’m in by preferring to be somewhere else. I have to remind myself that wherever I am... fast lane or slow lane, in traffic or out of traffic, racing or resting... God is there. He is in me, abiding in me, thus making it possible for me to be all there, myself  (Slow Quotes) When you are just thinking a lot of silly thoughts and having a lot of worries, you waste a tremendous energy and power and you put yourself into very limited states of mind. You slow down your evolutionary process  (Slow Quotes) Reincarnation is the evolution of spirit through matter. Over thousands and millions of lifetimes, the soul evolves. It comes into the light. The growth is slow  (Slow Quotes)
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