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Slow Quotes

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What I love is slowness. Slow people, slow reading, slow traveling, slow eggs, and slow love. Everything good comes slow  (Slow Quotes) I love computers. I love writing on them. I love gadgetry. The thing is: I am a slow reader. So, if I am going to get my work done, I read, like, a newspaper and that’s it. If I got into websites and the internet, I wouldn’t get any work done  (Slow Quotes) I can’t afford to slow down, but I suppose it really depends. As long as there’s enough enthusiasm, then one wants to continue  (Slow Quotes) I see stuff from the future, and I’m such a futurist that I have to slow down and talk in the present  (Slow Quotes) You know, I had the music baskets and the writing basket. And I had the acting. And those eggs just hatched first, and the others were slow to incubate  (Slow Quotes) My theories explain, but cannot slow the decline of a great civilization. I set out to be a reformer, but only became the historian of decline  (Slow Quotes) What most of all hinders heavenly consolation is that you are too slow in turning yourself to prayer  (Slow Quotes) If an asteroid is coming toward you, you don’t have to blow it up. You just have to slow it down long enough for our country to rotate out of the way  (Slow Quotes) I think the growth of the brain is a slow process. But you do change and the more you accept change and embrace change, the better  (Slow Quotes) If you ask an introvert a question, wait until she thinks about it. Introverts think before speaking, not through speaking. If you want to get to the good stuff, you need to slow down  (Slow Quotes) The heart that is conscious of its own integrity is ever slow to credit another´s treachery  (Slow Quotes) A man that will go along with six killings is making his escape a little slow  (Slow Quotes) Imagine that: If you could change one of the genes in an experiment, an aging gene, maybe you could slow down aging and extend lifespan  (Slow Quotes) People spend an enormous amount of time in their inboxes, compulsively checking, and it’s slow, distracting, and inefficient. It’s almost a counterproductivity tool  (Slow Quotes) I’m not the angry, rebellious child that I was. You can remain a child for a long time. I certainly did. I was a slow learner  (Slow Quotes) I had always been led to believe that ageing was a slow and gradual process, the creep of a glacier. Now I realise that it happens in a rush, like snow falling off a roof  (Slow Quotes) I was a latecomer to politics. Maybe I’m just very slow. I got to everything when everyone else had left  (Slow Quotes) Thinking is seeing... Every human science is based on deduction, which is a slow process of seeing by which we work up from the effect to the cause; or, in a wider sense, all poetry like every work of art proceeds from a swift vision of things  (Slow Quotes) Marriage is a fierce battle before which the two partners ask heaven for its blessing, because loving each other is the most audacious of enterprises; the battle is not slow to start, and victory, that is to say freedom, goes to the cleverest  (Slow Quotes) I am slow to listen to criminations among friends, and never espouse their quarrels on either side. My sincere wish is that both sides will allow bygones to be bygones, and look to the present and future only  (Slow Quotes) The poor live slow and hard; the rich, fast and easy. The rest of us shuffle along as we may  (Slow Quotes) For the gods, though slow to see, see well, whenever a man casting aside worship turns folly  (Slow Quotes) In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast fish which eats the slow fish  (Slow Quotes) Do not push so fast ahead, do slow down a bit! Otherwise you won’t catch up with yourselves  (Slow Quotes) In every country, it’s different, and you have to be flexible and slow and careful, and in the end rely on the experience of others who have gone before you and have begun to figure these things out  (Slow Quotes) First of all, I’m not pretty. I’m not a world class beauty, ladies and gentlemen. I’m just a guy. I was slow going and stuff like that. I was just never that brand of news  (Slow Quotes) I never wanted to be a public figure. I feel that I always have to dampen down people’s expectations. They expect me to be an oracle, wave a magic wand, sprinkle some slow, sparkly dust on them, to make everything all right  (Slow Quotes) When I’m doing well, it’s like I’m in a nice little ballet. Everything is going slow all around me. It’s very peaceful  (Slow Quotes) Nature has her own best mode of doing each thing, and she has somewhere told it plainly, if we will keep our eyes and ears open. If not, she will not be slow in undeceiving us, when we prefer our own way to hers  (Slow Quotes) Nature protects us in our uttermost losses by a density through which conviction is slow to penetrate  (Slow Quotes)
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