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Slow Quotes

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There is a loneliness in this world so great that you can see it in the slow movement of the hands of a clock  (Slow Quotes) She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars  (Slow Quotes) A generation that cannot endure boredom will be a generation of little men, of men unduly divorced from the slow process of nature, of men in whom every vital impulse slowly withers as though they were cut flowers in a vase  (Slow Quotes) All that happens when your dreams come true is a slow, melting realization that it wasn’t what you thought  (Slow Quotes) I’m living under water. Everything seems slow and far away. I know there’s a world up there, a sunlit quick world where time runs like dry sand through an hourglass, but down here, where I am, air and sound and time and feeling are thick and dense  (Slow Quotes) It is a time of quiet joy, the sunny morning. When the glittery dew is on the mallow weeds, each leaf holds a jewel which is beautiful if not valuable. This is no time for hurry or for bustle. Thoughts are slow and deep and golden in the morning  (Slow Quotes) The heart dies a slow death, shedding each hope like leaves until one day there are none. No hopes. Nothing remains  (Slow Quotes) I am like a snake who has already bitten. I retreat from a direct battle while knowing the slow effect of the poison  (Slow Quotes) I only suggest to you: Will you dwell on killing this man? You wish for revenge? If you do, he has already killed you by slow poison. So, let it go. Why waste your time? His life will see to his death  (Slow Quotes) The truth is that the first changes are so slow they pass almost unnoticed, and you go on seeing yourself as you always were, from the inside, but others observe you from the outside  (Slow Quotes) Most people are slow to champion love because they fear the transformation it brings into their lives. And make no mistake about it: love does take over and transform the schemes and operations of our egos in a very mighty way  (Slow Quotes) Although becoming a singer was my plan A after first hearing Whitney Houston when I was 17, I started off with plan B by going to the teacher-training college that my dad went to. It was a slow coming of age  (Slow Quotes) And I’m a slow writer: five, six hundred words is a good day. That’s the reason it took me 20 years to write those million and a half words of the Civil War  (Slow Quotes) And here I was thinking you were a bit slow, what with so much asking and not knowing anything  (Slow Quotes) It’s funny how a flame can only burn your hand if you move too slow, you can tease it all you want and it never gets you, if your quick enough  (Slow Quotes) The faster I write the better my output. If I’m going slow, I’m in trouble. It means I’m pushing the words instead of being pulled by them  (Slow Quotes) If you want to find the trail, if you want to find yourself, you must explore your dreams alone. You must grow at a slow pace in a dark cocoon of loneliness so you can fly like wind, like wings, when you awaken  (Slow Quotes) ... we are quick to rationalize our entertainment and priorities yet are slow to commit to serving God  (Slow Quotes) Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all. Laugh, rest, slow down  (Slow Quotes) With my ninth mind I resurrect my first and dance slow to the music of my soul made new  (Slow Quotes) Sail the main course in a simple sturdy craft. Keep her well stocked with short stories and long laughs. Go fast enough to get there but slow enough to see. Moderation seems to be the key  (Slow Quotes) She was no longer a slow dreamer watching the flowers grow. She was a warrior now. Warriors need something to fight for though, beside their lives, because otherwise their lives will not be worth it  (Slow Quotes) We’re always disappointed when we find out someone else has human limits, the same as we do. It’s stupid for us to feel that way, and we really ought to know better, but that doesn’t seem to slow us down  (Slow Quotes) Young or old, good or bad, I don’t think anything dies as slow and as hard as a writer  (Slow Quotes) So I took her hand, and I don’t know what everybody else heard, but to me it sounded like a slow dance: a little sad, but maybe a little hopeful, too  (Slow Quotes) He moves his thumb in a slow circle over the back of my hand. It is meant to comfort me, but it frustrates me instead. I need to talk to him. I need to look at him  (Slow Quotes) That everything is on fire, slow fire, and we’re all less than a million breaths away from an oblivion more total than we can even bring ourselves to even try to imagine  (Slow Quotes) Sometimes, a lie is told in kindness. I don’t believe it ever works kindly. The quick pain of truth can pass away, but the slow, eating agony of a lie is never lost  (Slow Quotes) Slow down. Stop trying to do everything now, now, now. Hold up the people behind you for all you care, feel them kicking at your heels but maintain your pace. Don’t let anybody dictate your speed  (Slow Quotes) That’s the one trouble with this country: everything, weather, all, hangs on too long. Like our rivers, our land: opaque, slow, violent; shaping and creating the life of man in its implacable and brooding image  (Slow Quotes)
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