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Slow Quotes

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Eugenie, my sweet, your outraged protests are adorable, but they only continue to slow us down. If you want me to help you, then let me. If you don’t, then take me to one of those places where human women wear revealing clothing and quickly lose their virtue through alcohol  (Slow Quotes) Where the shadow of the bridge fell I could see down for a long way, but not as far as the bottom. When you leave a leaf in water a long time after awhile the tissue will be gone and the delicate fibres waving slow as the motion of sleep. They don’t touch one another, no matter how knotted up they once were, no matter how close they lay once to the bones  (Slow Quotes) The next day, when I was sober, I thought again about the three of us, and about time’s many paradoxes. For instance: that when we are young and sensitive, we are also at our most hurtful; whereas when the blood begins to slow, when we feel less sharply, when we are more armoured and have learnt how to bear hurt, we tread more carefully  (Slow Quotes) With slow care rather than stealth we must approach the subject of a certain woman. Her wildness is of such degree, I fear approaching her too quickly even in a story. Should I move recklessly, I might startle even the idea of her into sudden flight  (Slow Quotes) The only way to gain power in a world that is moving too fast is to learn to slow down. And the only way to spread one’s influence wide to learn how to go deep. The world we want for ourselves and our children will not emerge from electronic speed but rather from a spiritual stillness that takes root in our souls. Then, and only then, will we create a world that reflects the heart instead of shattering it  (Slow Quotes) If you want to shrink something, you must first allow it to expand. If you want to get rid of something, you must first allow it to flourish. If you want to take something, you must first allow it to be given. This is called the subtler perception of the way things are. The soft overcomes the hard. The slow overcomes the fast. Let your workings remain a mystery. Just show people the results  (Slow Quotes) We conclude that the concentration of wealth is natural and inevitable, and is periodically alleviated by violent or peaceable partial redistribution. In this view all economic history is the slow heartbeat of the social organism, a vast systole and diastole of concentrating wealth and compulsive redistribution  (Slow Quotes) Our public credit is good, but the abundance of paper has produced a spirit of gambling in the funds, which has laid up our ships at the wharves as too slow instruments of profit, and has even disarmed the hand of the tailor of his needle and thimble. They say the evil will cure itself. I wish it may; but I have rarely seen a gamester cured, even by the disasters of his vocation  (Slow Quotes) There are fast ideas and slow ideas, just as there are fast trains and slow trains. When it comes to money, most people are on the slow train looking out the window watching the fast train pass them by. If you want to become rich quickly, your plan must include fast ideas  (Slow Quotes) Just because the road ahead is long, is no reason to slow down. Just because there is much work to be done, is no reason to get discouraged. It is a reason to get started, to grow, to find new ways, to reach within yourself and discover strength, commitment, and determination. The road ahead is long and difficult, but it’s filled with opportunity. Start what needs starting. Finish what needs finishing. Get on the road. Stay on the road. Don’t give up  (Slow Quotes) I am one of those who believe that spiritual progress is a rule of human life, but the approach to perfection is slow and painful. If a woman elevates herself in one respect and is retarded in another, it is because the rough trail that leads to the mountain peak is not free of ambushes of thieves and lairs of wolves  (Slow Quotes) Going out to others in order to reach the fringes of humanity does not mean rushing out aimlessly into the world. Often it is better simply to slow down, to put aside our eagerness in order to see and listen to others, to stop rushing from one thing to another and to remain with someone who has faltered along the way  (Slow Quotes) The original project began because we know the universe is expanding. Everybody had assumed that gravity would slow down the expansion of the universe and everything would come to a halt and collapse. The big surprise was it was actually speeding up  (Slow Quotes) I remember in the first part of the race I was sixth and I could have gone quicker, but I had to go slow. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever done  (Slow Quotes) The men are walking. They are fifty feet apart, for dispersal. Their walk is slow, for they are dead weary, as you can tell even when looking at them from behind. Every line and sag of their bodies speaks their inhuman exhaustion  (Slow Quotes) They say baseball is a slow game. It sure doesn’t seem that way when you’re in the dugout. You think you have it figured out, but things come up quick  (Slow Quotes) Their elegant shape, showy colours, and slow, sailing mode of flight, make them very attractive objects, and their numbers are so great that they form quite a feature in the physiognomy of the forest, compensating for the scarcity of flowers  (Slow Quotes) Judge men less by the labels they wear than by their persistent labour for sure if slow progress  (Slow Quotes) I’ve worked really hard to get to where I am. Slow and steady wins the race, and I believe in paying your dues  (Slow Quotes) What comes easiest for me is dialogue. Sometimes when my characters are speaking to me, I have to slow them down so that I’m not simply taking dictation  (Slow Quotes) In some units it may suppress the motor discharge altogether, in some it may merely slow the motor discharge thus lessening the wave frequency of the contraction and so the tension  (Slow Quotes) If it’s a slow race you have to be on your guard. You have to be patient, but I prefer that  (Slow Quotes) You can do really slow movements with it, like zooming in for a minute and a half. The audience isn’t aware that the camera has moved, but there’s subconscious tension there  (Slow Quotes) Well, maybe so, although I don’t think I am particularly gifted in languages. In fact, oddly enough, it may have something to do with my being slow at languages  (Slow Quotes) You can’t slow the game here. It’s grass, it’s always going to be fast  (Slow Quotes) I certainly didn’t think of a world record in the first 50 meters because I was simply too slow for that  (Slow Quotes) I’m not one about trying to slow things down. What I try to do is create an atmosphere for my family where we can pretty much have whatever  (Slow Quotes) A robin said to an angleworm as he ate him I am sorry but a bird has to live somehow the worm being slow witted could not gather his dissent into a wise crack and retort he was effectually swallowed before he could turn a phrase  (Slow Quotes) They told you life is hard it’s misery from the start it’s dull and slow and painful I tell you life is sweet in spite of the misery there’s so much more be grateful  (Slow Quotes) The public business must be carried on with a certain motion, neither too quick nor too slow  (Slow Quotes)
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