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Slow Quotes

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We are living in the World of Snails! Man is extremely slow! Whoever has a limited life, he has no right to be slow! Things must be done quickly! Slowness belongs to the immortals!  (Slow Quotes) Out of the Slow Food movement has grown something called the Slow Cities movement, which has started in Italy but has spread right across Europe and beyond. And in this, towns begin to rethink how they organize the urban landscape so that people are encouraged to slow down and smell the roses and connect with one another  (Slow Quotes) You don’t have to play a whole lot of guitar to be a good blues player. Some people plays too much guitar. Stack it on top of each other the way it don’t - you’re working too fast. Blues not supposed to be played fast. Blues supposed to be played slow. You could kill a man with just one chord  (Slow Quotes) Now in its third year in office, the Obama Administration has never championed the cause of human rights. Its slow reaction in June 2009 to the stealing of the election in Iran and the birth of the ‘Green Movement’ there, and its delay in backing the rebellions in Egypt, Libya, and Syria, are evidence of this problem  (Slow Quotes) The slugs are ascending this steep city staircase that leads up to a huge Catholic church, essentially signifying their slow crawl towards death. The work reminds us of religion, mortality, natural decay, and the slow suffocation of commercialized societies  (Slow Quotes) Government systems suffer from two weaknesses. They are complex. And they are slow. We need to change this. Our systems need to be made sharp, effective, fast and flexible. This requires simplification of processes and having trust in citizens. This needs a Policy Driven State  (Slow Quotes) When you’re in zero gravity everything moves at the same speed and nothing stops it. If you throw something it travels forever but it still travels at the speed you threw it at. To make it plausible, movies have chosen to show it in slow motion  (Slow Quotes) I was always, and I still am to a certain extent, one of those lazy people who spends a lot of time with Italian friends and yet constantly says I don’t speak Italian. Things slow down when I start speaking Italian  (Slow Quotes) The South Vietnamese were perhaps a little bit slow in doing things, they jump on, on the problem and they try to do themselves everything. Or, they try to have some short cuts with the, those people they were dealing with  (Slow Quotes) As a film director and as film actors, you get used to a certain rhythm that’s slow. But with TV, it’s hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. It’s a different pace. So, it’s about adjusting to the pace. It’s not meant for everybody  (Slow Quotes) However, it was not us who refused to freeze oil production; our Saudi partners changed their point of view at the last moment and decided to slow down the adoption of this decision. I would like to reiterate our position, it remains the same  (Slow Quotes) It seems as though our ability to change technology happens so quickly, and our ability to evolve as creatures is still very slow  (Slow Quotes) We’re not good at noticing slow, steady changes in our environments, our senses are not very acute compared to those of many animals, and we’re pretty awful at abstract thought, much less acting on it  (Slow Quotes) The end goal of meditation is to do whatever helps slow your mind down, in order to achieve a peaceful, positive state of mind and body  (Slow Quotes) Our society accepts the book as a given, but the act of reading -- once considered useful and important, as well as potentially dangerous and subversive -- is now condescendingly accepted as a pastime, a slow pastime that lacks efficiency and does not contribute to the common good  (Slow Quotes) Do you feel like your action plans are stronger to than your capability? Just take a moment a draw a plan of how to deal with the difficult task with a single bite at each time. Go slow, but sure!  (Slow Quotes) I think our slow, humble beginnings in surf shops, ski shops, bike shops, and motorcycle shops have been extremely important for our success. GoPro is all about celebrating an active lifestyle and sharing that with other people. It’s authentic. It’s not a brand that we went out and bought a bunch of ads for to create.  (Slow Quotes) The actual process of filmmaking, the many hours out of your life- it is very slow and boring. I’m not interested in that now unless an opportunity was provided for me.  (Slow Quotes) As much preparation as I had made for the old man Salieri, gestures and so on, the fact is after sitting for hours, your movements are kind of slow.  (Slow Quotes) In a world where people are hungry for quick fixes and sound bites, for instant gratification, there is not patience for the long. Slow rebuilding process: implementing after school programs, hiring more community workers to act as mentors, adding more job training programs in marginalized areas  (Slow Quotes) In a world where people are hungry for quick fixes and sound bites, for instant gratification, there’s no patience for the long, slow rebuilding process: implementing after-school programs, hiring more community workers to act as mentors, adding more job training programs in marginalized areas.  (Slow Quotes) Yet, the man never goes slow! Feted against all the odds.How? Nobody knows.Undeterred, unabated, yet uncharted he goes...  (Slow Quotes) The reason for the slow progress of the world seems to lie in a single fact. Every man is born under the yoke, and grows up beneath the oppressions of his age.  (Slow Quotes) To come across as younger than they are: Women buy creams that promise to slow aging; men buy fast cars.  (Slow Quotes) My advice is to give up stevia, aspartame, sucralose, sugar alcohols like xylitol and malitol, and all of the other heavily-used and marketed sweeteners unless you want to slow down your metabolism, gain weight, and become an addict.  (Slow Quotes) People come and people go, moving fast and moving slow, I’m in a crowd and yet I’m all alone....  (Slow Quotes) The good Lord is amazing; He opens up doors. I was close to abandoning the dream, and He was like, ‘Hey, slow down there, buddy.’  (Slow Quotes) Be generous with your time and money - it has an amazingly fast payback. Be in the moment with everyone you love - and this frequently means tuning out work completely. And drive slow in parking lots.  (Slow Quotes) When I first started out, I was making really slow, psychedelic ambient music because it was all I could do.  (Slow Quotes) Today’s average American is more apt to rebel against a tennis shoe not coming in the right color than against the slow erosion of our democratic freedom.  (Slow Quotes)
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