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Slow Quotes

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Fashion has always been a little slow in accommodating large women. ... We’re not asking for philanthropy here. Wake up, we’re fat, we like nice clothes, and we’ve got cash.  (Slow Quotes) Uh-uh. We’ve played this game before. I hide. You never seek. I’m a bit slow on the uptake, but I’m beginning to sense a pattern. - Clay to Elena  (Slow Quotes) Since being diagnosed with Asperger’s, I’d been working with an acting coach who has now become a good friend. We’d been trying lots of improvisational techniques to help me with some of the problems I experience. But it’s a very slow process.  (Slow Quotes) I’m just a receiver. I don’t want to be labeled as a deep-threat guy, which is always going to happen because I’m always going to be able to run past people until I’m slow. I watch some guys who are very good at being deep threats, but it’s like people don’t respect them doing anything else.  (Slow Quotes) There hadn’t been one specific moment. It was like gradualy waking up. You go from being asleep to the space between dreaming and awake and then into consciousness. It’s a slow process, but when you’re awake, there’s no mistaking it. There was no mistaking that it had been love.  (Slow Quotes) To go from being an unpopular, chubby little kid who was chasing girls and couldn’t seem to catch them, to being chased after and making sure I ran slow enough that I did get caught, it was 180 degree turn. It was being given the keys to the candy store.  (Slow Quotes) Being exhausted is all part of the fun. I’m cool with it. I’m not going to wish that it would slow down.  (Slow Quotes) Being with him was like being alone underwater - everything was slow; nothing counted; I could not be harmed; I would feel dry and cold when I resurfaced.  (Slow Quotes) If you get into the habit of being quick it is just as easy as being slow  (Slow Quotes) I’m always calculating what I want to do, who I want to be, what I want to accomplish. I don’t need to worry about that - that’s always there on a slow simmer. The muscle I have to work on is being more present.  (Slow Quotes) Wisdom is worried for being slow in its speech and expeditious in its actions  (Slow Quotes) There’s a smartphone gait: the slow sidewalk weave that comes from being lost in conversation rather than looking where you’re going.  (Slow Quotes) I believe in traditions; I believe in the idea of things being passed between generations and the slow transmission of cultural values through tradition.  (Slow Quotes) Progress is slow, it is uneven, it is fragile and in some parts of the world it is being erased  (Slow Quotes) I don’t need to worry about that, that’s always there on a slow simmer. The muscle I have to work on is being more present.  (Slow Quotes) The faster I write the better my output. If I’m going slow, I’m in trouble. It means I’m pushing the words instead of being pulled by them.  (Slow Quotes) That’s what running does to lives. It’s not just exercise. It’s not just achievement. It’s a daily discipline that has nothing to do with speed, weight, social status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, where you live, what car you drive, or whether anyone anywhere loves you. It’s about the slow and painful process of being the best you can be.  (Slow Quotes) For me, it’s the slow release of my ego and certain belief systems that I identify with that give me comfort and an identity, and it’s scary to let go of that.  (Slow Quotes) Believe in yourself. Believe in your heart and once you get there, don’t slow down.  (Slow Quotes) Small, slow growth is the best I expect from an investment. I’m a real saver: frugal - like my parents.  (Slow Quotes) There’s no light at the end of the tunnel in the Republican message, no promise of better things to come. There’s only the present stagnation, followed by a slow decline.  (Slow Quotes) I’ve been asked, ‘What was your big break?’ I don’t feel like I’ve had a big break. It’s been a slow, slow break.  (Slow Quotes) When there’s an accident, we all have to slow down and watch the accident. We all have to be a little voyeuristic. I mean, look at the world we live in now, with all these ‘Big Brother’ shows. We’re all a bunch of voyeuristic people.  (Slow Quotes) When companies get big, they slow down. They’re not as exciting. If you want to get something done, it takes a lot of time and a lot of meetings.  (Slow Quotes) In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast fish which eats the slow fish,  (Slow Quotes) Humanity is facing a very big, slow, long, drawn-out threat, and that is to do with the way the weather is changing and the size of the population.  (Slow Quotes) One day man by the slow processes of evolution shall develop into something really fine and high - some billions of years hence, say.  (Slow Quotes) Biological evolution is too slow for the human species. Over the next few decades, it’s going to be left in the dust.  (Slow Quotes) I’m beginning to perceive motherhood as a long, slow letting go, of which birth is just the first step.  (Slow Quotes) Unless we do things in this country to slow down our population, slow down our birth control, provide better water for people, provide power for people, we’re gonna find out that the next wars are not going to be fought over diamonds, gold and political things.  (Slow Quotes)
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