Small Government Quotes

Text Quotes
If you like small government you need to work hard at having a strong national defense that is not so militant. Personal liberty is the purpose of government, to protect liberty - not to run your personal life, not to run the economy, and not to pretend that we can tell the world how they ought to live (Small Government Quotes)
Self-certification may look like a small vision but there cannot be a greater decision for a Government to trust the honesty of the 1.25 billion people of the country. (Small Government Quotes)
The U.S. should take notes: Government overspending and a campaign of alienating investors and small business isn’t really the best way to boost the economy or overcome massive unemployment. (Small Government Quotes)
The Founding Fathers set up a system that heavily relied upon self-reliance and competition, with only a small dose of government intrusion. (Small Government Quotes)
Small business owners are fighting every day to create and innovate, but continue to face government barriers to job creation. (Small Government Quotes)
The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether government works. (Small Government Quotes)
Big Government is the small option: it’s the guarantee of smaller freedom, smaller homes, smaller cars, smaller opportunities, smaller lives. (Small Government Quotes)
John Boehner chose a huge gavel. I think somebody’s compensating for his small government (Small Government Quotes)
I’m a committed Republican. I believe very strongly in individual liberty. I tend not to think much in terms of group politics. I really am a kind of small government person and I’m most certainly a fiscal conservative and strong on national defense (Small Government Quotes)
Forget the state concerns -- we think this is bad for churches. Most churches are small and not ready to handle 500 pages of government red tape (Small Government Quotes)
There is no such thing as a ‘free’ government benefit. Ask small-business owners who are footing skyrocketing bills for bottomless jobless benefits (Small Government Quotes)
Memo to Congress: America’s problem is not that government is too small. It’s the spending, stupid! (Small Government Quotes)
Big-government proponents embrace both the power of the federal government and the idea that millions of Americans ought to be dependent on its largesse. It’s time to return to our Founders’ love for small government. More is not always better (Small Government Quotes)
Look, this debate is basic: it’s small government vs. big government. So how cowardly do folks like Blood and Frank Rich have to be that they can’t man up and defend their love for collectivism? The only reason they scream race, is because that debate scares them. They know a racial accusation prevents dialogue, because such a harmful charge far outweighs any benefits of winning an argument (Small Government Quotes)
You know, I like to think that I will subscribe very much to the core Republican principles of small government. Making a small number of rules and getting out of the way. Keeping taxes low. Creating an environment for small businesses to grow and thrive (Small Government Quotes)
I believe in small government and people taking care of themselves (Small Government Quotes)
Small government is beautiful (Small Government Quotes)
You could adjust the punishment to fit the infraction. Even a small fine would be enough to bring an errant government to heel (Small Government Quotes)
A pure democracy is a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person (Small Government Quotes)
With all this consumer debt, business debt, government debt, smaller movements in interest rates have a magnified effect. a small movement can tip the boat (Small Government Quotes)
I believe that for the small numbers of Jewish people in the United States, they exercise a tremendous amount of influence on the affairs of government (Small Government Quotes)
When we get government off the backs of our job creators, small businesses have a better chance of thriving. And when small businesses thrive, so does our economy (Small Government Quotes)
No matter how much the government controls the economic system, any problem will be blamed on whatever small zone of freedom that remains (Small Government Quotes)
It was a bad idea, because I think that any government reorganization has to come in relatively small bites, or else you get indigestion (Small Government Quotes)
We believe in individual initiative, personal responsibility, opportunity, freedom, small government, the Constitution. These principles, these American principles are key to getting our economy back to being successful and leading the world (Small Government Quotes)
The school system has become a part of this huge government machine, governed by people who aren’t close to the situation. That’s why I’m a Republican. I believe in small government (Small Government Quotes)
What we should be asking is not whether we need a big government or small government, but how we can create a smarter and better government (Small Government Quotes)
Conservatives should question how the death penalty actually works in order to stay true to small government, reduction in wasteful spending, and respect for human life (Small Government Quotes)
It is time for conservatives to do what they do best and insist that a wasteful, inefficient government program gets off the books. Small government and the death penalty don’t go together (Small Government Quotes)