Small Quotes

Text Quotes
Though man is the only beast that can write, he has small reason to be proud of it. When he utters something that is wise it is nothing that the river horse does not know, and most of his creations are the result of accident (Small Quotes)
Many times I wondered whether my achievement was worth the loneliness I experienced, but now I realize the price was small (Small Quotes)
Lifestyles and sex roles are passed from parents to children as inexorably as blue eyes or small feet (Small Quotes)
Fashion is born by small facts, trends, or even politics, never by trying to make little pleats and furbelows, by trinkets, by clothes easy to copy, or by the shortening or lengthening of a skirt (Small Quotes)
It is no small mischief to a boy, that many of the best years of his life should be devoted to the learning of what can never be of any real use to any human being. His mind is necessarily rendered frivolous and superficial by the long habit of attaching importance to words instead of things; to sound instead of sense (Small Quotes)
You ought to be true for the sake of the folks who think you are true. You never should stoop to a deed that your folks think you would not do. If you are false to yourself, be the blemish but small, you have injured your folks; you have been false to them all (Small Quotes)
It is true that when we take chances, we stand to lose. But it is also true that we will never win anything if we never even enter the game. Lucky people are aware of the possibility of losing, and indeed they may lose often. But since the chances they take are small, the losses tend to be small. By being willing to accept small losses they put themselves in position to make large gains (Small Quotes)
There is small danger of being starved in our land of plenty; but the danger of being stuffed is imminent (Small Quotes)
When you overpay small people you frighten them. They know that their merits or activities entitle them to no such sums as they are receiving. As a result their boss soars out of economic into magic significance. He becomes a source of blessings rather than wages. Criticism is sacrilege, doubt is heresy (Small Quotes)
If one finds the strength to deal with small things, one finds it to deal with the large ones as well (Small Quotes)
To read the papers and to listen to the news... one would think the country is in terrible trouble. You do not get that impression when you travel the back roads and the small towns do care about their country and wish it well (Small Quotes)
The future of humanity is uncertain, even in the most prosperous countries, and the quality of life deteriorates; and yet I believe that what is being discovered about the infinitely large and infinitely small is sufficient to absolve this end of the century and millennium. What a very few are acquiring in knowledge of the physical world will perhaps cause this period not to be judged as a pure return of barbarism (Small Quotes)
There’s nothing so comfortable as a small bankroll. A big one is always in danger (Small Quotes)
What in fact takes place in an election is that two hand picked candidates are propped up before the citizenry, each candidate having been selected by a very small group of politically active people. A minority of the people... then elects one of these hand picked people to rule itself and the majority (Small Quotes)
Pride, like laudanum and other poisonous medicines, is beneficial in small, though injurious in large, quantities. No man who is not pleased with himself, even in a personal sense, can please others (Small Quotes)
Understand clearly that when a great need appears a great use appears also; when there is small need there is small use; it is obvious, then, that full use is made of all things at all times according to the necessity thereof (Small Quotes)
Stern duties need not speak sternly. He who stood firm before the thunder worshipped the still small voice (Small Quotes)
Do not look at life’s long sorrow; see how small each moment’s pain (Small Quotes)
He who will lose a present good for one in expectation hath some wit, but a small store of wisdom (Small Quotes)
Small endeavours obtain strength by unity of action: the most powerful are broken down by discord (Small Quotes)
When people show loyalty to you, you take care of those who are with you. It’s how it goes with everything. If you have a small circle of friends, and one of those friends doesn’t stay loyal to you, they don’t stay your friend for very long (Small Quotes)
Look at the bark of a redwood, and you see moss. If you peer beneath the bits and pieces of the moss, you’ll see toads, small insects, a whole host of life that prospers in that miniature environment. A lumberman will look at a forest and see so many board feet of lumber. I see a living city (Small Quotes)
You know, motherhood is my favourite topic in my personal life and I won’t shut up about it, but it’s not something I want to discuss publicly just because of the amount of attention it draws to a small person who didn’t choose to be exposed (Small Quotes)
We’ve outsourced our memories to digital devices, and the result is that we no longer trust our memories. We see every small forgotten thing as evidence that they’re failing us (Small Quotes)
To me, the real thrill is in making the music, and then I just trust it to find its own audience, and at times it’s big and at times it’s small, but that’s beyond my control (Small Quotes)
There are good people who are dealt a bad hand by fate, and bad people who live long, comfortable, privileged lives. A small twist of fate can save or end a life; random chance is a permanent, powerful player in each of our lives, and in human history as well (Small Quotes)
I take six or seven years to write really small books. There is a kind of aesthetic of leanness, of brevity (Small Quotes)
Spending $1 for a brand new house would feel very, very good. Spending $1,000 for a ham sandwich would feel very, very bad. Spending $19,000 for a small family car would feel, well, more or less right. But as with physical pain, fiscal pain can depend on the individual, and everyone has a different threshold (Small Quotes)
People from small towns have to have their edges roughed up to get along in the world. But as a street reporter, you learn quickly (Small Quotes)
I don’t enjoy living in a white box flooded with light. I like shadows, small spaces, old furniture (Small Quotes)