Small Quotes

Text Quotes
For a small investment today we could be creating something that our grandchildren will thank us for (Small Quotes)
Never does one so constantly see so many different things as when peering from a small window (Small Quotes)
Every moment of mindfulness means the gradual destruction of latent defilements. It is somewhat like cutting away a piece of wood with a small axe, every stroke helping to get rid of the unwanted fragments of wood (Small Quotes)
This is among the few things that can be said about love with any confidence. It is small enough to be contained within the heart but, pull thin, it would drape the entire world (Small Quotes)
I built a conglomerate and emerged the richest black man in the world in 2008 but it didn’t happen overnight. It took me 30 years to get to where I am today. Youths of today aspire to be like me but they want to achieve it overnight. It’s not going to work. To build a successful business, you must start small and dream big. In the journey of entrepreneurship, tenacity of purpose is supreme (Small Quotes)
As I loosen my grip on the past, as I keep taking one small step after another in the direction I want to go, I discover I’m being supported and guided after all, and that as soon as I’m willing to embrace change, something or someone comes along and shows me how. Magic wasn’t something I had to go in search of; it was here within me, all the time. When hearts are open, when love is flowing, magic happens (Small Quotes)
Betrayal clearly has its own reward: the small deep human satisfaction of having one up on someone else. It is the psychology of the mistress, and this regime used it as fuel (Small Quotes)
Our response to the world is essentially one of wonder, of confronting the mysterious with a sense, not of being small, or insignificant, but of being part of a rich and complex narrative (Small Quotes)
Every day is not just another assignment; it is a small, but contained voyage of discovery (Small Quotes)
A city is the place of availabilities. It is the place where a small boy, as he walks through it, may see something that will tell him what he wants to do his whole life (Small Quotes)
A church is something very beautiful. It is nice when people feel happy in it. But I am not a religious man. Look at us, and then at the infinity of space. We are rather small insignificant creatures, wouldn’t you say? (Small Quotes)
Heaven will ask things of you at some point, perhaps small things at first. You must be ready (Small Quotes)
We live on this very small and fragile planet: a world in which there is poverty and injustice is never going to be a safe and secure world (Small Quotes)
I’ve made a number of independent films that didn’t receive theatrical distribution, that a lot of people haven’t heard of, and as a result, I’ve conditioned myself to go into small independent films with the expectation that they will not, and therefore, I have to find my reward elsewhere (Small Quotes)
How one walks through the world, the endless small adjustments of balance, is affected by the shifting weights of beautiful things (Small Quotes)
Yes, this is what I thought adulthood would be, a kind of long indian summer, a state of tranquility, of calm incuriousness, with nothing left of the barely bearable raw immediacy of childhood, all the things solved that had puzzled me when I was small, all mysteries settled, all questions answered, and the moments dripping away, unnoticed almost, drip by golden drip, toward the final, almost unnoticed, quietus (Small Quotes)
These days I must take the world in small and carefully measured doses. It is a sort of homeopathic cure I am undergoing, though I am not certain what this cure is meant to mend. Perhaps I am learning to live amongst the living again. Practising, I mean. But no, that is not it. Being here is just a way of not being anywhere (Small Quotes)
Great are the stars, and man is of no account to them. But man is a fair spirit, whom a star conceived and a star kills. He is greater than those bright blind companies. For though in them there is incalculable potentiality, in him there is achievement, small, but actual. Too soon, seemingly, he comes to his end. But when he is done he will not be nothing, not as though he had never been; for he is eternally a beauty in the eternal form of things (Small Quotes)
I think the one overwhelming emotion that we had was when we saw the earth rising in the distance over the lunar landscape... It makes us realize that we all do exist on one small globe. For from 230,000 miles away it really is a small planet (Small Quotes)
A mouse is small and can go unnoticed: but there is no limit to what a brave heart and a fearless spirit can achieve (Small Quotes)
I guess what I like in my movies is where you see a character change by maybe two degrees as opposed to the traditional movie change of ninety degrees. I guess that always feels false to me in movies because that doesn’t truly happen. Around me, at least in the life I live, I guess I don’t see people change ninety or a hundred degrees. I see them change in very small increments. I think it’s just a monitor I might have on myself as a writer to not make any false scenes (Small Quotes)
You keep thinking that with practice you will eventually get the knack of enjoying superficial encounters, that you will stop looking for the universal solvent, stop grieving. You will learn to compound happiness out of small increments of mindless pleasure (Small Quotes)
Artistic creation, after all, is not subject to absolute laws, valid from age to age; since it is related to the more general aim of mastery of the world, it has an infinite number of facets, the vincula that connect man with his vital activity; and even if the path towards knowledge is unending, no step that takes man nearer to a full understanding of the meaning of his existence can be too small to count (Small Quotes)
Television is a triumph of equipment over people, and the minds that control it are so small that you could put them in a gnat’s navel with room left over for two caraway seeds and an agent’s heart (Small Quotes)
Healing of the world’s woes will not come through this or that social or political theory; not through violent changes in government, but in the still small voice that speaks to the conscience and the heart (Small Quotes)
Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough (Small Quotes)
If a nonnegative quantity was so small that it is smaller than any given one, then it certainly could not be anything but zero. To those who ask what the infinitely small quantity in mathematics is, we answer that it is actually zero. Hence there are not so many mysteries hidden in this concept as they are usually believed to be. These supposed mysteries have rendered the calculus of the infinitely small quite suspect to many people. Those doubts that remain we shall thoroughly remove in the following pages, where we shall explain this calculus (Small Quotes)
Concentrate on small segments of your race at a time. For example, rather than obsessing about the distance that remains, simply complete the next mile in good form... try another, then another, until the race is done (Small Quotes)
What artists have accomplished is realizing there’s only a small amount of stuff that’s important and then seeing what it was (Small Quotes)
Amid this vast and overwhelming space and in these boundless solar archipelagoes, how small is our own sphere, and the earth, what a grain of sand! (Small Quotes)