Small Quotes

Text Quotes
The voice of wisdom is inherent within us and willing to guide us when we stop to listen. Of course, there are times when we feel we’ve been still as stone, and the still, small voice is still too quiet to hear. When this happens, the challenge is to practice quieting your mind anyway. Stopping and asking, quieting and listening, trusting and waiting. Waiting is difficult but worth the effort because a quiet, uncluttered mind is a natural antenna for whispers of wisdom from within (Small Quotes)
Wisdom is not book learning but, rather, a quality or state of knowing what is true or right coupled with the judgment to discern constructive action. Wisdom is the insight and intuition contained in the proverbial still, small voice that only a quiet mind can hear and know (Small Quotes)
It made her think about how she couldn’t believe how big the universe was, but how small it was for her (Small Quotes)
Most persons think that a state in order to be happy ought to be large; but even if they are right, they have no idea of what is a large and what a small state... To the size of states there is a limit, as there is to other things, plants, animals, implements; for none of these retain their natural power when they are too large or too small, but they either wholly lose their nature, or are spoiled (Small Quotes)
Sit in front of an object of concentration with the eyes open. Focus on a candle flame, or a yantra, a little dot, something small. Just look at it. Focus on it until there is nothing else in your mind. This develops willpower (Small Quotes)
If you are the body, you are in terrible trouble! One small microbe will destroy it one day, if not an accident. You have but a short time to live in this world (Small Quotes)
Death is a doorway. It is a very small, thin doorway and only a portion of our being can walk through (Small Quotes)
When you see that you are not the body, that the body comprises only a small fraction of the aggregate of your awareness, then death is no fear, life is no fear, there is no fear (Small Quotes)
I’m just a small guy so if I’d dropped any more weight it would have been a bit ridiculous (Small Quotes)
I try to reach for the stars because if you say you want something small and it happens, you don’t believe it. So I try to say something wild and crazy (Small Quotes)
If consumers don’t have the wherewithal to spend because all the money’s going to the top, and the people at the top only spend a very small fraction of what they earn, then the economy is almost inevitably destined to slow (Small Quotes)
The reason I do small, independent movies is because I want to keep my soul intact and maintain some kind of integrity within this industry (Small Quotes)
The sad problem is that we see ourselves as being quite terribly small. Instead of spending my time being envious, I need to celebrate your and my different gifts, even if mine are perhaps less spectacular than yours (Small Quotes)
The small force that it takes to launch a boat into the stream should not be confused with the force of the stream that carries it along: but this confusion appears in nearly all biographies (Small Quotes)
Anxiety comes into existence only when we become identified with small things. And they all pass (Small Quotes)
Those who remain content easily remain small: small are their joys, small are their ecstasies, small are their silences, small is their being. But there is no need! This smallness is your own imposition upon your freedom, upon your unlimited possibilities, upon your unlimited potential (Small Quotes)
Writing objects to the lie that life is small. Writing is a cell of energy. Writing defines itself. Writing draws its viewer in for longer than an instant. Writing exhibits boldness. Writing restores power to exalt, unnerve, shock, and transform us. Writing does not imitate life, it anticipates life (Small Quotes)
Pacifism is a nice idea but it can get you killed. We’re not there yet. Evolution is slow, small pox is fast (Small Quotes)
An artist’s studio should be a small space because small rooms discipline the mind and large ones distract it (Small Quotes)
More unsayable than all other things are works of art, those mysterious existences, whose life endures beside our own small, transitory life (Small Quotes)
The death is unfortunate. It is an accident. It is not police atrocity. It is a small and petty matter (Small Quotes)
Any writer worth his salt knows that only a small proportion of literature does nore than partly compensate people for the damage they have suffered in learning to read (Small Quotes)
The economy is turning, and credit comes in with a lag,.. To the extent that a number of small firms are finding it difficult to get the credit they need at a price they can afford, that’s likely to change for the better (Small Quotes)
How can great minds be produced in a country where the test of great minds is agreeing in the opinion of small minds? (Small Quotes)
I believe that it may happen that one will succeed, and one must not begin to despair, even though defeated here and there; and even though one sometimes feels a kind of decay, though things go differently from the expected, it is necessary to take heart again and new courage. For the great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. And great things are not something accidental, but must certainly be willed. What is drawing? How does one learn it? It is working through an invisible iron wall that seems to stand between what one feels and what one can do (Small Quotes)
We change our opinions of ourselves so often. What the outside world thinks is only a small part of our image (Small Quotes)
It would be a very bad idea... to exhibit even a small number of this new series, as the whole effect can only be achieved from an exhibition of the entire group (Small Quotes)
The greatest unsolved mysteries are the mysteries of our existence as conscious beings in a small corner of a vast universe (Small Quotes)
My deepest belief is that to live as if we’re dying can set us free. Dying people teach you to pay attention and to forgive and not to sweat the small things (Small Quotes)
Small crimes always precede great ones. Never have we seen timid innocence pass suddenly to extreme licentiousness (Small Quotes)