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The world is much larger than I once dreamed, or perhaps my place in it is smaller than I once realized  (Smaller Quotes) I believe that smaller government is better government. But I also believe that in the areas where government does play a legitimate role, we should demand that it is done better  (Smaller Quotes) I look forward to working with our leadership team to advance the causes of smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating terrorism, and providing affordable health care, among other issues  (Smaller Quotes) I rarely see one of the ‘summer blockbuster’ movies. I’d like to see a stronger focus on smaller, smarter movies  (Smaller Quotes) Measured in time of transport and communication, the whole round globe is now smaller than a small European country was a hundred years ago  (Smaller Quotes) My partner, Beth Alexander, and I want to produce smaller films, but commercially viable films that will enable me to make the kinds of movies I want to make  (Smaller Quotes) Successful people recognize crisis as a time for change - from lesser to greater, smaller to bigger  (Smaller Quotes) Marvel books also feed into the smaller publishers and the fact that this is happening in the same month we’re launching Ultimate Fantastic Four is no coincidence  (Smaller Quotes) I can’t play my songs on the smaller harp. I have a Celtic harp. I can’t do the key changes  (Smaller Quotes) My first attempts to transmit typhus to laboratory animals, including the smaller species of monkeys, had failed, as had those of my predecessors, for reasons which I can easily supply today  (Smaller Quotes) It’s not about ‘NBC is evil.’ It’s about that media structure-cBS, aBC, cNN, even some of the smaller operations are now multinationals, with these extraordinarily diverse holdings  (Smaller Quotes) Two things are as big as the man who possesses them - neither bigger nor smaller. One is a minute, the other a dollar  (Smaller Quotes) Warren Buffett pays taxes on a smaller percentage of his billions in income than his cleaning lady  (Smaller Quotes) Tis very great pity that they who are so apt to over-rate themselves in smaller matters, shou’d, where it most concerns them to know, and stand upon their Value, be so insensible of their own worth  (Smaller Quotes) Don’t overstate Fox News. It’s still much smaller than the least of the network niches  (Smaller Quotes) Well, honestly, the films I personally like to go see are smaller, more character - driven pieces, so that’s why the movies I’ve made have been smaller, more character - driven movies  (Smaller Quotes) The work, I suppose, is made in the editing, whereby I make literally hundreds of drawings, and then a much smaller percentage of those become the finished work  (Smaller Quotes) I’ve always thought that, in a sense, the more specific and sometimes even the smaller the world of a movie is, the more universal it is  (Smaller Quotes) Even back in the 90s, I shot certain things on something that wasn’t digital then, but it was on VHS with a smaller camera and we would up it to film  (Smaller Quotes) Generally Canadian films are smaller. I think the market here is a tenth of the size of the States. So there’s less resources to put into the films  (Smaller Quotes) And then the industry itself was so cocky about what they were doing that they weren’t seeing what was coming on the horizon with Japan and Germany and other places that were building smaller cars  (Smaller Quotes) I thought the Made in America men’s wear push was a big revolution in terms of smaller companies taking charge, but it seems like it’s gotten out of control  (Smaller Quotes) I think that we, as monkeys, want to live in smaller groups. It’s very scary when we’re all - as wonderful as it is - connected  (Smaller Quotes) I hope that there will be no particular need for us to attract external funding. It is worth noting that despite the fact the turnover is smaller now we are still maintaining a trade surplus  (Smaller Quotes) There’s nothing on this green earth that a liberal progressive fears more than a black American who wants a better life and a smaller government  (Smaller Quotes) My circle of trust has just gotten smaller good luck trying to get in once you’re out  (Smaller Quotes) Historically, unfortunately, race seems to be the major division that humanity has imposed on itself, a way of subdividing into smaller groups  (Smaller Quotes) I prefer the smaller acting than big histrionics. It’s about reacting and looks, which is often underestimated  (Smaller Quotes) Acting must be scaled down for the screen. A drawing room is a lot smaller than a theatre auditorium  (Smaller Quotes) For my own part I think no innocent species of wit or pleasantry should be suppressed: and that a good pun may be admitted among the smaller excellencies of lively conversation  (Smaller Quotes)
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