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You have to believe in the arthouse, if you will - the emotion, the conflict, the who am I, which will always be an unanswered question. If you do it right, you have a smaller drama, and a great movie.  (Smaller Quotes) The work I prefer to do are the smaller budget pictures, television can be great but it ties you up for quite a long time.  (Smaller Quotes) I don’t just act to pay my rent. I really like doing it, so I get frustrated when I don’t get to do it all the time, so short films are a really great way to be doing it and working with your friends, working on smaller, more specific things without limiting yourself in other ways.  (Smaller Quotes) The devil makes small sins seem smaller in our eyes, for otherwise he can’t lead us to greater evil.  (Smaller Quotes) My town was even smaller. Only six hundred people. We didn’t have a grocery store.  (Smaller Quotes) The rich would do better with a smaller share of a rapidly growing economy then they’re doing now with a large share of an economy that is barely growing at all.  (Smaller Quotes) I feel like everyone has a preference. You have women who don’t like shorter guys. You have women who like taller guys. You have women who like heavier men. You have women who like smaller men. It’s the same thing with men. You have men who prefer lighter women and men who prefer darker women.  (Smaller Quotes) I think most artists would be happy to have bigger audiences rather than smaller ones. It doesn’t mean that they are going to change their work in order necessarily to get it, but they’re happy if they do get it.  (Smaller Quotes) I think our voters have made it clear. Unless someone can demonstrate to me that having larger class sizes is better than having smaller class sizes, I’m not going to support it.  (Smaller Quotes) All through my twenties, I spent more time worrying what I didn’t have than thinking about what I did have. I wished that I was taller, had longer legs, slimmer hips, a smaller bottom, even straighter hair.  (Smaller Quotes) When you’re smaller and leaner, you’re not going to have that large a presence throughout the world.  (Smaller Quotes) When I was trying to find work after drama school in London, it felt like the same actors always got the plum roles, especially in television. We have a smaller market place, vastly fewer drama-producing networks, and they seem to compete for the same established names for those projects.  (Smaller Quotes)
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