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In general, fakirs, like scribes and potters, are sitting down, when he's standing up, a fakir is just like an other man, and sitting down, he'll be smaller than the others  (Smaller Quotes) There are so many scripts and they are fantastic. I think I would like to do something different, maybe something smaller  (Smaller Quotes) It’s my body and if I want to do it like Michael Jackson, I will. My nose bothered me for a long time. Now it’s smaller and I’m happy. If I wanna put my tits on my back, they’re mine!  (Smaller Quotes) I’ve learned that you know your husband still loves you when there are two brownies left and he takes the smaller one  (Smaller Quotes) One should oblige everyone to the extent of one’s ability. One often needs someone smaller than oneself  (Smaller Quotes) It’s always good to get a smaller tournament under your belt so that by the time you get to the Slams, you have a lot of experience  (Smaller Quotes) For the love of gain would reconcile the weaker to the dominion of the stronger, and the possession of capital enabled the more powerful to reduce the smaller cities to subjection  (Smaller Quotes) No one tells the truth to people they don’t actually know, and if they do it is a horrible trait. Everyone wants something smaller, something neater than the truth  (Smaller Quotes) My dad liked to boil a squirrel head and suck the brains out the nose. Smaller than a chicken, bigger than a rat  (Smaller Quotes) A formally recognized equality does, however, accord the smaller nations a position which they should be able to use increasingly in the interest of humanity as a whole and in the service of the ideal  (Smaller Quotes) He who attends to his greater self becomes a great man, and he who attends to his smaller self becomes a small man  (Smaller Quotes) I’ve had such a great track record in making a huge profit when the movies are smaller  (Smaller Quotes) Over the last few years, the world has become a smaller and more integrated place with technology that is leveling the playing field like never before  (Smaller Quotes) Yeah, I mean the material, directors, the other cast, and if you think you can do something with the character then you do it and go from there. I am looking forward to doing some smaller movies  (Smaller Quotes) I guess the line between being paranoid and being a rock star is smaller than one would expect  (Smaller Quotes) Authority is something from which we are constantly subtracting, of which there remains always a residue, and which we attempt to make smaller and smaller  (Smaller Quotes) St. Paul’s arose like some huge mountain above the enormous mass of smaller buildings  (Smaller Quotes) Most journalists now believe that a person’s privacy zone gets smaller and smaller as the person becomes more and more powerful  (Smaller Quotes) Sometimes I get the feeling the whole world is against me, but deep down I know that’s not true. Some of the smaller countries are neutral  (Smaller Quotes) The more the schemata are differentiated, the smaller the gap between the new and the familiar becomes, so that novelty, instead of constituting an annoyance avoided by the subject, becomes a problem and invites searching  (Smaller Quotes) In short, no pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world only to the extent that is supported by other patterns: the larger patterns in which it is embedded, the patterns of the same size that surround it, and the smaller patterns which are embedded in it  (Smaller Quotes) Entropy theory is indeed a first attempt to deal with global form; but it has not been dealing with structure. All it says is that a large sum of elements may have properties not found in a smaller sample of them  (Smaller Quotes) In turning from the smaller instruments in frequent use to the larger and more important machines, the economy arising from the increase of velocity becomes more striking  (Smaller Quotes) I’ve had some of the best craft services on independent movies, actually, because they get more creative, generally, with a smaller budget. The work is still the same. I didn’t really notice the difference other than I was getting dressed behind a curtain, basically  (Smaller Quotes) It doesn’t seem as if there’s that much of a difference between a big production and a little production, other than you have a smaller space in which to get dressed and you have a shorter waiting time  (Smaller Quotes) Well, if you pick a fight with somebody that’s smaller than you and you beat them, where’s the honor in that?  (Smaller Quotes) Publishing your work is important. Even if you are giving a piece to some smaller publication for free, you will learn something about your writing. The editor will say something, friends will mention it. You will learn  (Smaller Quotes) It’s gotten out of control. It’s taking bigger and bigger names to make smaller and smaller films. I worry that important films without a big name attached won’t get made at all  (Smaller Quotes) If an adult uses violence on a child, the child will naturally assume that he too, has the right to use it on one smaller or weaker  (Smaller Quotes) I know it’s good when I see a smaller film get recognized because it means more publicity for them. When you start producing and directing the movies become a little more like your children  (Smaller Quotes)
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