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Smaller Quotes

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I think it’s important to do smaller films because I think that’s where a lot of new things are happening  (Smaller Quotes) I prefer to explore the most intimate moments, the smaller, crystallized details we all hinge our lives on  (Smaller Quotes) Sometimes, the smaller roles in movies can be the most interesting. If you only take the stance that you’ll only play central characters in movies, you’ll find yourself not being able to indulge in that morally grey terrain that makes support characters so rich and interesting  (Smaller Quotes) The biggest difference for me is momentum. On a smaller film you get to shoot sometimes four or five scenes a day and you’ve got to do the tight schedule. I think I really feel the luxuries of a big budget film  (Smaller Quotes) When you’re working with a smaller budget I suppose one of the things that has to be in your mind when you are writing is that you have to keep the characters down to a minimum  (Smaller Quotes) I believe in eating smaller meals more often throughout the day to keep the metabolism going. Don’t deprive yourself, just make better choices. At 50 years old it is definitely a lot harder to stay in shape then it was when I was in my 20’s  (Smaller Quotes) People think that just because you’re a center, you’re not as smart as the guards or the smaller guys  (Smaller Quotes) There thus appears to be an inverse correlation between recovery and psychotherapy; the more psychotherapy, the smaller the recovery rate  (Smaller Quotes) Cars have a large engine in the front and you have a gearbox, which is cumbersome. Electric cars don’t have this problem. The motor is much smaller, the battery is below you. This will allow you to play with different shapes  (Smaller Quotes) I do like to hang out in the corner and keep my eye on the party, or be outside in a smaller group  (Smaller Quotes) There is that smaller world which is the stage, and that larger stage which is the world  (Smaller Quotes) I believe that in music and in a lot of things it’s kind of like surfing, you can have a really big wave sometimes and then you can have a smaller wave  (Smaller Quotes) Call it holistic or holographic thinking, it’s been quite effective imagining the world’s problems are all right in front of you on a smaller scale with your band. You deal with those relationships, and that’s where real major change begins  (Smaller Quotes) I don’t care what people call me, labels have the negative value of making smaller boundaries for people  (Smaller Quotes) I have more artistic control in a smaller show. But it doesn’t really matter. Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still make a big impact  (Smaller Quotes) It’s trite to say that the world has gotten smaller in the age of globalization, but my travels have told me that it’s wrong to think this means there is some kind of uniform world culture  (Smaller Quotes) Why do we need to wait until somebody sells 10 million records to give people a show like that? What about us smaller, hungry folk? At least gimme a curtain!  (Smaller Quotes) I believe we are going to move into a situation where the more effective conferences will be smaller, more specialized, more focused, with occasional large gatherings to get the attention of the larger world  (Smaller Quotes) The world is shrinking as we see more and more of it in the media, and the more we see of the world, the smaller we are, the more aware we are of how insignificant any one of us is  (Smaller Quotes) If you want to know everything about the market, go to the beach. Push and pull your hands with the waves. Some are bigger waves, some are smaller. But if you try to push the wave out when it’s coming in, it’ll never happen. The market is always right  (Smaller Quotes) Pyramiding instructions appear on dollar bills. Add smaller and smaller amounts on the way up. Keep your eye open at the top  (Smaller Quotes) A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller  (Smaller Quotes) My character is somebody who is smaller in stature and yet who’s strong, so to see the fighting situations between people who are not generally thought of being strong is in itself unusual and therefore interesting, I think  (Smaller Quotes) I don’t want to lose my accent, I just want it to become smaller  (Smaller Quotes) I’d be more interested in doing a smaller, character driven thing, rather than another action picture  (Smaller Quotes) When one has been threatened with a great injustice, one accepts a smaller as a favour  (Smaller Quotes) Republicans want smaller government for the same reason crooks want fewer cops; it’s easier to get away with murder  (Smaller Quotes) One big vice in a man is apt to keep out a great many smaller ones  (Smaller Quotes) The mounting burden of taxation not only undermines individual incentives to increased work and earnings, but in a score of ways discourages capital accumulation and distorts, unbalances, and shrinks production. Total real wealth and income is made smaller than it would otherwise be. On net balance there is more poverty rather than less  (Smaller Quotes) America loves the representation of its heroes to be not just larger than life, but stupendously, awesomely bigger than anything else. If blue whales built statues to each other they’d be smaller then these  (Smaller Quotes)
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