Smart Quotes

Text Quotes
I think to be a successful comic, you have to be exceptionally smart and exceptionally perceptive (Smart Quotes)
Its like it takes a lot of things to prove you are smart, but only one thing to prove you’re ignorant (Smart Quotes)
I think I’m smart unless I’m really, really in love and then I am ridiculously stupid (Smart Quotes)
A smart person will learn from their mistakes. A genius will learn from everyone else’s (Smart Quotes)
It’s hard being the smartest one in the family because no one else is smart enough to recognize your genius (Smart Quotes)
We are each burdened with prejudice; against the poor or the rich, the smart or the slow, the gaunt or the obese. It is natural to develop prejudices. It is noble to rise above them (Smart Quotes)
Never feel empty when the person you like turns you down, not all people are smart enough to appreciate you (Smart Quotes)
You have to be smart to play a dumb blonde over and over again and keep the audience’s attention without extraordinary physical equipment (Smart Quotes)
Got in a wreck with a smart car today, its totaled. My bike is fine though (Smart Quotes)
Don’t ever believe someone when they promise to never hurt you. Be smart enough to know, that no one can keep that promise forever (Smart Quotes)
Being aware of your fear is smart. Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person (Smart Quotes)
You are good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, strong enough. Believe it and stop letting insecurity run your life (Smart Quotes)
Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak, sometimes it means you are strong enough and smart enough to let go and move on (Smart Quotes)
Remember that your not gonna live forever. Be young, think smart, stay true and just follow your heart (Smart Quotes)
A smart manager will establish a culture of gratitude. Expand the appreciative attitude to suppliers, vendors, delivery people, and of course, customers (Smart Quotes)
We need a government that is what we are at our best. Smart, efficient, pragmatic and compassionate (Smart Quotes)
I don’t trust everyone. We can be civil, but I’m smart enough to know what I can and can’t say anyone you (Smart Quotes)
I would do anything to be super smart and be able to understand everything going on in every one of my classes (Smart Quotes)
I don’t dabble in politics too much. I’m really ignorant to the world of politics. I’m not that smart, I’m not that cunning, it’s just too much smoke and mirrors for me. I just don’t want to play that game (Smart Quotes)
We live in a culture where everyone is perfectly willing to do this [to make a lot of money], and they’re just looking for the opportunity. Obviously, a person who is really dumb is not gonna make a zillion dollars. But for a person who is really smart, really smart, it’s a boring pursuit. It’s not endlessly fascinating (Smart Quotes)
The way I’ve always governed my life as far as fiscal policy goes is I’m smart enough to know that I’m dumb about it, so I surround myself with smart people in much the same way a hole surrounds itself with a doughnut. I just pay things off. That’s all I do (Smart Quotes)
I like to think my sense of humor is sort of smart and dumb at the same time. I like to work on multiple levels - smart and dumb, funny and sad, profound and mundane, cynical and hopeful (Smart Quotes)
I did not come from an academic background. My father was a smart man, but he had a fifth-grade education. He and all his friends were plumbers. They were all born around 1905 in great poverty in New York City and had to go to work when they were 12 or 13 years old (Smart Quotes)
It is true that from a behavioral economics perspective we are fallible, easily confused, not that smart, and often irrational. We are more like Homer Simpson than Superman. So from this perspective it is rather depressing. But at the same time there is also a silver lining. There are free lunches! (Smart Quotes)
Smart drafting is a wonderful thing. A smart free-agent signing is a wonderful thing. Smart trades are a wonderful thing, and that’s a function of management (Smart Quotes)
I think my parents were really smart parents. I think they were, actually, pretty progressive for the time. The one thing that they really wanted me to know is what makes me tick, what I am about, how I approach life. And I think what my parents really wanted for me was for me to be who I am (Smart Quotes)
I like some of the young guys like Senator Thune. He’s a guy that looks good. He’s very articulate, he’s very smart, and he truly is a public servant (Smart Quotes)
I have known Tavis Smiley since the 1980s, when we both worked at the same radio station in Los Angeles. He is smart, and he is a gentleman who has accorded me great respect both on and off the air (Smart Quotes)
The stereotypes of feminists as ugly, or man-haters, or hairy, or whatever it is - that’s really strategic. That’s a really smart way to keep young women away from feminism, is to kind of put out this idea that all feminists hate men, or all feminists are ugly; and that they really come from a place of fear (Smart Quotes)
Meaning and value depend on human mind space and the commitment of time and energy by very smart people to a creative enterprise. And the time, energy, and brain power of smart, creative people are not abundant. These are the things that are scare, and in some sense they become scarcer as the demand for these talents increases in proportion to the amount of abundant computing power available (Smart Quotes)