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The smartest people in Indianapolis became teachers [during the Great Depression]. And, for once, there was something for women to do because teaching was regarded as a woman’s profession, like nursing. So the smartest women in town - Jesus, my women teachers were so exciting.  (Smartest Quotes) The funny thing about directing is that you have your own opinions, but it’s a collaboration. Directing is a group effort. Even though you might think something works, the smartest thing you can do as a director is try and weigh the opinions of the people around you.  (Smartest Quotes) We wish that we could take magic drugs, play around all day, read, and do nothing strenuous, and be the smartest, happiest people in the world. The truth is, it’s all about sweat.  (Smartest Quotes) [In 2004] That’s how I got a relationship with Steve Jobs. Because I listened really hard to him cause he’s the smartest guy I ever worked for...  (Smartest Quotes) Many hedge fund managers have become billionaires; perhaps this - plus their reputations as the smartest guys in the room - is why they have captured the investing public’s imagination.  (Smartest Quotes)
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