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Smartphones Quotes

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Smartphones. Who cares? Smartphones. I only have dummy phones  (Smartphones Quotes) In the next 10 years, I expect at least five billion people worldwide to own smartphones, giving every individual with such a phone instant access to the full power of the internet, every moment of every day  (Smartphones Quotes) The smartphones and the computer separates everybody, makes you think that you don’t need nobody else  (Smartphones Quotes) The moment of drifting into thought has been so clipped by modern technology. Our lives are filled with distraction with smartphones and all the rest. People are so locked into not being present  (Smartphones Quotes) The pace of digital innovation is astonishing. It’s impossible to imagine life without the web, smartphones, social networks. And yet the consumer products and everyday objects all around us are still essentially dumb  (Smartphones Quotes) We get one of these little pings on our smartphones, and we get a little hit of dopamine as well. We get excited. We feel anticipation. As we feel this, we want it more and more. So we spend more and more time looking at our phones  (Smartphones Quotes) These days, young people watch TV on smartphones and computers. Young people with an actual TV set are harder to find than a picture of Anthony Weiner with his clothes on  (Smartphones Quotes) Right now, offline and online are coming together because of smartphones  (Smartphones Quotes) I’m somewhat overwhelmed by the microblogging that takes place in China, and the smartphones and all the people that want to take pictures of myself and my family.  (Smartphones Quotes) Today, smartphones, tablets, and the Internet have allowed people to conduct business from anywhere at any time. But as we continue to progress, many families find it harder to balance the ever-increasing demands of their work with their desire to care for and be with their family.  (Smartphones Quotes) In this new world, with smartphones and tablets and cloud computing, things are moving around fast  (Smartphones Quotes) Now, as smartphones are coming up, there are all kinds of apps that will start to be developed that will help women.  (Smartphones Quotes) With consumers buying two smartphones for every desktop computer they purchase, the demands, challenges and opportunities of the mobile space are reshaping our assumptions about design and user behaviour.  (Smartphones Quotes) DivX Plus Streaming provides secure streaming delivery of a feature rich premium digital entertainment experience to connected devices including HDTVs, Blu-ray players, smartphones, game consoles, PCs, Max and cable set-top boxes.  (Smartphones Quotes) I think we built the right future. If it’s a choice between the flying car or the Internet, tablets and smartphones, I’ll take what we’ve got.  (Smartphones Quotes) Bitcoin, generally, is a great idea. Keeping wallets on smartphones is the worst idea of the decade  (Smartphones Quotes)