Smell Quotes

Text Quotes
I am inside someone who hates me. I look out from his eyes. Smell what fouled tunes come in to his breath. Love his wretched women. (Smell Quotes)
I tend to pack light but still keep a large bag because I love to shop. For each destination I travel to, I like to buy something that the country or city is known for such as olive oil, truffle, jewelry, etc. I also like to buy perfumes because the smell brings me back to the memory of my travels. (Smell Quotes)
I get a headache when I hear supporters of this endless warfare complaining about the federal budget deficits. They’re like arsonists complaining about the smell of smoke in the neighborhood. (Smell Quotes)
I love the smell of Burger King when I ride past, but sometimes I have to avoid it (Smell Quotes)
The money has always been wasted on me. I don’t care for beautiful things, funnily enough. I am my father’s daughter. The things that excite me are the smell of a wood-burning stove, uncultivated fields. My house is decaying and falling to pieces. It’s not had the love it deserves over twenty years. (Smell Quotes)
I like the smell of film. I just like knowing there’s film going through the camera. (Smell Quotes)
I’m a total petrolhead. My three brothers and I used to ride scrambling bikes in the field near where we lived. We all liked cars. I’ve always loved the smell of an engine. (Smell Quotes)
Heart disease has changed my eating habits, but I still cook bacon for the smell (Smell Quotes)
I volunteered on a farming community in Israel for two years when I was a teenager. One of the jobs involved clearing out a massive warehouse full of chickens ready for the abattoir. The smell of 40,000 chickens in 45C is awful. (Smell Quotes)
He just seems as cool as ever. I can smell him. Even on the other side, there is smell. Like, when babies are born, there’s two smells-one is chicken soup, which is the flesh, and the other is lilacs, which is coming from the spiritual garden. The spirit has a lilac smell. (Smell Quotes)
If you’re walking down the street and you smell a scent, it can take you right back to a memorable time in your life, whether it’s a moment with an ex-girlfriend or a childhood event. (Smell Quotes)
I love the smell of a real Christmas tree - also, my mum’s Christmas pudding with brandy sauce (Smell Quotes)
The smell of pine needles, spruce and the smell of a Christmas tree - those to me, are the scents of the holidays. (Smell Quotes)
When you see the misogyny of hip-hop, it’s so horrible, it’s so putrid, it’s so, you know, odious, that we know, we smell, we see it. The misogyny that is reified, that is reinforced, that is subtly reproduced in corporate America or in church life or in synagogues and temples and the like, is sometimes more subtly dealt with. (Smell Quotes)
Nothing is quite as intoxicating as the smell of bacon frying in the morning, save perhaps the smell of coffee brewing. (Smell Quotes)
Why go to France when you can smell the same people in coffee shops here in America (Smell Quotes)
Well, let me tell you, any conservative that’s unhappy with George Bush warms my heart, in any way that they can wake up and smell the coffee would be really great. (Smell Quotes)
I’ve never had coffee. I’ve always hated the smell. It was always tea. I was a pretty typical kid, though. I grew up drinking Lipton. I didn’t know there was other tea to drink. (Smell Quotes)
I think controversy is not always a bad thing. Jesus was controversial. It’s through controversy that people often wake up and smell the coffee and say, ‘What’s going on here? Do we need to rethink something here?’ (Smell Quotes)
I’m sentimental about many things: the lumpy feel of a baby’s unused feet, the metallic smell of the air before the first snow, the last scene in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ But Valentine’s Day leaves me cold. (Smell Quotes)
She took comfort in the familiarity of his smell, knowing that if she lost all her possessions and her home, at least she would have her family. (Smell Quotes)
Jesus is not a candle. A company in South Dakota is selling candles with the scent of Jesus. You light one and your friends says, Christ, what’s that smell? (Smell Quotes)
The goals are not about the sweet smell of success as much as it’s about enjoying a damn day on the movie set... I live in a complete state of grace. (Smell Quotes)
If you look at the whole world now it’s just computer games, graphic novels, film, TV spinoffs, spinoffs of spinoffs like Deadpool spinning off of Wolverine. So I think that any kind of smart producer looks at all of those bases. Once it comes down to the integrity of it audiences are very smart, they smell that they’re just kind of being played. (Smell Quotes)
The writing I love has something memorable in it - an image, a smell. It’s the connection between the moment and the whole concept, weaving the micro together with the macro so that it has a hold on people - that’s writing. (Smell Quotes)
I love everything about books. I love the content, the way they look and even the lovely way they smell. I think a book collection says something about you as a person, and certainly my books are something I’d want to pass on for future generations. (Smell Quotes)
Blood has an oder faint but distinct, of conceit and modesty, of courage and cowardice, of charity and greed, of faith and doubt, in short the fragrance of what we might have been and the smell of what we are... (Smell Quotes)
How can you smell this good after the kind of crappy day we’ve had? I sweat perfume. Like all girls. (Smell Quotes)
The old Indian proverb holds true. Once you’ve cut off a person’s nose, there’s no point in giving him a rose to smell. (Smell Quotes)
I’ve had some terrible jobs, but working in a kitchen at Cracker Barrel is probably the worst I’ve ever had. I was a grill cook - awful! It wasn’t the smell, it was the people. The music, too. We had to be ‘country fresh,’ so they played this terrible country music eight hours during the shift. It was a bleak existence - a very dark time. (Smell Quotes)