Snake Quotes

Text Quotes
We are kindred all of us, killer and victim, predator and prey, me and the sly coyote, the soaring buzzard, the elegant gopher snake, and trembling cottontail, the foul worms that feed on our entrails; all of them, all of us. Long live diversity, long live the earth! (Snake Quotes)
Snake has been everything to me. Look at where I was when I started with the company in 1988 and where I’m at now. I mean, he’s shown me just about everything on and off the race track (Snake Quotes)
You entered my aura and fell into my arms. I just wrapped around you like a snake that’s been charmed (Snake Quotes)
Method is more important than strength... By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passerby kill the snake for the beads (Snake Quotes)
O boys, who pluck the flowers and strawberries springing from the ground, flee hence; a cold snake likes hidden in the grass (Snake Quotes)
I think there’s a point to regulating, because there are snake oil companies (Snake Quotes)
Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Quick as a snake. Calm as still water (Snake Quotes)
She knew herself, how she had slowly, over years, become a cat, a wolf, a snake, anything but a girl. How she had wrung out her girlhood like death (Snake Quotes)
Humanism was not invented by man, but by a snake who suggested that the quest for autonomy might be a good idea (Snake Quotes)
If you see a snake, just kill it - don’t appoint a committee on snakes (Snake Quotes)
Self-love for ever creeps out, like a snake, to sting anything which happens to stumble upon it (Snake Quotes)
No owl is afraid of the night, no snake of the swamp and no traitor of the treason (Snake Quotes)
When cornered, a rattle snake can become so angry it’s been known to bite itself, which is exactly how I feel in traffic and relationships (Snake Quotes)
I’m one of those people who snake through the crowd, keep my head low. I’m not looking for attention (Snake Quotes)
Every orchid or rose or lizard or snake is the work of a dedicated and skilled breeder. There are thousands of people, amateurs and professionals, who devote their lives to this business. Now imagine what will happen when the tools of genetic engineering become accessible to these people (Snake Quotes)
[St. Patrick] was a terror to any snake that came in his path, whether it was the cold, slimy reptile sliding along the ground or the more dangerous snake that oppresses men through false teachings. And he drove the snakes out of the minds of men, snakes of superstition and brutality and cruelty (Snake Quotes)
Remember, it is not the snake bite that kills, but the venom which circulates afterwards that is fatal. Do not let the snake bite of another person release any venom inside of you. You can control its entry and you are responsible for every thought in your mind (Snake Quotes)
The martial arts that I got into was because of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, because of all of the animal styles at the time. It was around about the time when Jackie was doing ‘Drunken Master,’ and, like, Snake versus this and that (Snake Quotes)
I think in rural settings, people have a different appreciation for animals than might the city dweller. In parts of India where poisonous snake bite is common, people have a much different value system. I live in a city. I’m not thinking about wolves, lions, etc (Snake Quotes)
A human being is still more likely to die of a bee sting, snake bite or, Lord knows, automobile accident than by shark attack. We do not execute the perpretrators of death by car. We should not butcher an animal for an inadvertent homicide (Snake Quotes)
You never die from a snake bite, you can’t be unbitten it’s in the way, what continues to pour through you long after the bite has taken place. (Snake Quotes)
When cornered, a rattle snake can become so angry it’s been known to bite itself, which is exactly how I feel in traffic and relationships. (Snake Quotes)
In films, I didn’t crave the type of attention I had sort of stumbled into in my music career. And I do not audition well. I’m really not good at it. Early on, I did movies like ‘Alpha Dog’ and ‘Black Snake Moan’ because the directors didn’t ask me to audition. (Snake Quotes)
I commend you on all you’ve done for PETA, wrestling the one-eyed trouser snake with your bare hands, gently cuddling it in your arms, and nurturing it back to health. (Snake Quotes)
The hardest thing about my job isn’t the snake bites or the crocodiles, it’s being away from my children. I have a really religious satellite phone call every day back to the boys, wherever we are, whatever time zone, to say goodnight. (Snake Quotes)
The world used to think we are a land of snake charmers and black magic. But our youth has surprised the world with its IT skills. I dream of a digital India. (Snake Quotes)
Baseball can build you up to the sky one day and the next day you have to climb a stepladder to look up at a snake. (Snake Quotes)
The world of men is dreaming, it has gone mad in its sleep, and a snake is strangling it, but it can’t wake up. (Snake Quotes)
The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog... How you gonna see ‘em if you livin’ in the fog? (Snake Quotes)
To be aroused in the dark by five feet of cold, green snake gliding over one’s face is unpleasant. (Snake Quotes)