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Snotty Quotes

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Better a snotty child, then his nose wip’d off  (Snotty Quotes) I've always kind of made sure to maintain the sense of who I am and never be mean or cruel or snotty to anyone. Because, at the end of the day, it's not going to help you last in the business, and who wants to be around someone like that? I don't want to turn into 'that guy.' That guy!  (Snotty Quotes) The outfits come and go but there is a constant that I like about the catwalk model: the snotty expression  (Snotty Quotes) When you cry, you don’t look very attractive; you look snotty and blotchy. People seem to manage to cry quite prettily these days, and to me, that smacks of not being very genuine  (Snotty Quotes) I think a man ought to get drunk at least twice a year just on principle, so he won’t let himself get snotty about it  (Snotty Quotes) A lot of people think I’m snotty. So what? They never asked me out when I was serving cheeseburgers  (Snotty Quotes) I get tired of comedies where there are a bunch of funny guys and a beautiful woman who doesn’t do anything funny. And I don’t like books where there’s a rough-and-tumble boy and a really clever, snotty girl. That’s just not my experience with teenagers.  (Snotty Quotes) A lot of people think I’m snotty. So what? They never asked me out when I was serving cheeseburgers.  (Snotty Quotes) Every snotty egotistical teenager thinks they’re smarter than the world they crawled out of. It didn’t take me so long to grow out of that. I think I was only in my early twenties when I realized I was just relying on received ideas.  (Snotty Quotes) My mum’s from Yorkshire and my parents aren’t snotty or posh - they’re very hard workers, both of them.  (Snotty Quotes) It was fun playing a horrible, snotty kid in ‘Harry Potter’, and then playing Prince Charming where I was also singing and playing guitar, and then playing a completely different character.  (Snotty Quotes)