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Snowfall Quotes

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Snowfall is expected to considerably exceed the normal range, both in frequency and quantity  (Snowfall Quotes) I am running through a snowfall which is her thighs, he dramatized in purple. Her thighs are filling up the street. Wide as a snowfall, heavy as huge falling Zeppelins, her damp thighs are settling on the sharp roofs and wooden balconies. Weather-vanes press the shape of roosters and sail-boats into the skin. The faces of famous statues are preserved like intaglios  (Snowfall Quotes) On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups  (Snowfall Quotes) In a snowfall that covers the winter grass a white heron uses his own whiteness to disappear  (Snowfall Quotes) No one can improve on nature’s landscapes. I feel I’ve hit the mark when I’ve captured a balance between mood, look, and feel... when viewers say they sense the desert heat, or the chill of a mountain snowfall  (Snowfall Quotes) The trouble with the last snowfall of the season is that you can’t be sure  (Snowfall Quotes) A life is a moment in season. A life is one snowfall. A life is one autumn day. A life is the delicate, rapid edge of a closing door’s shadow. A life is a brief movement of arms and of legs  (Snowfall Quotes) Perfect happiness is a beautiful sunset, the giggle of a grandchild, the first snowfall. It’s the little things that make happy moments, not the grand events. Joy comes in sips, not gulps.  (Snowfall Quotes) A life is a moment in season. A life is one snowfall. A life is one autumn day. A life is the delicate, rapid edge of a closing door’s shadow. A life is a brief movement of arms and of legs.  (Snowfall Quotes) No one can improve on nature’s landscapes. I feel I’ve hit the mark when I’ve captured a balance between mood, look, and feel... when viewers say they sense the desert heat, or the chill of a mountain snowfall.  (Snowfall Quotes) A wet autumn morning, a garbage truck clattering down the street. The first snowfall of the season, blossom sized flakes falling languidly and melting on teh ground, a premature snow fall delicate as lace, rapidly melting.  (Snowfall Quotes) When I was a kid, my favourite time of the year when I was child was that magical first snowfall. I’d yell Yippee! Snow! and run up to the front door and shout You know the deal... You have to let me in now.  (Snowfall Quotes) Sure, the first light snowfall may be a chance to dance giddily, leaving squeaky footprints through the neighborhood, marking the runner’s right to the domain. But later drubbings of snow merely complicate running. Snow turns to ice, to slush, to ice again. Tire ruts twist ankles. New snow hides the hazards.  (Snowfall Quotes)