Social Quotes

Text Quotes
We know that social exclusion is closely tied to the new economic world order, globalized, with free and open markets, which isn’t bringing prosperity or social justice to all (Social Quotes)
Growing up human is uniquely a matter of social relations rather than biology. What we learn from connections within the family takes the place of instincts that program the behavior of animals; which raises the question, how good are these connections? (Social Quotes)
Look, I’m just a storyteller. When I make a film, I never want the film to become a vehicle of social propaganda (Social Quotes)
I have never had a social life, don’t ever want one because it’s boring. I’m just not very good with people, and you meet people every night who expect you to be this rock star with these developed social skills, which I don’t have (Social Quotes)
My grandmother had the most dramatic effect on my life because she set me in one direction, and I had to go back the other direction for my sanity, and for my ability to be a social human being (Social Quotes)
Only those who are ideologically opposed to military programs think of the defense budget as the first and best place to get resources for social welfare needs (Social Quotes)
The commune movement is part of a reawakening of belief in the possibilities for utopia that existed in the nineteenth century and exist again today, a belief that by creating the right social institution, human satisfaction and growth can be achieved (Social Quotes)
Persian social manners are well known, and there is no other society that can compete with them (Social Quotes)
When a finished work of 20th century sculpture is placed in an 18th century garden, it is absorbed by the ideal representation of the past, thus reinforcing political and social values that are no longer with us (Social Quotes)
I had a dozen years to act before starting a family then found that motherhood dwarfed everything else. Once or twice a year, I take a project that appeals to me for its redeeming social value (Social Quotes)
Can a woman become a genius of the first class? Nobody can know unless women in general shall have equal opportunity with men in education, in vocational choice, and in social welcome of their best intellectual work for a number of generations (Social Quotes)
Quality afterschool programs provide safe, engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social, emotional, physical, cultural and academic skills (Social Quotes)
Advertising as the printed form of selling would seem... ultimately to be justified in so far as it serves as a means of increasing legitimate human wants, as an agency of fair and economic competition in the distribution of goods, and as a stimulant to social progress (Social Quotes)
Only after awhile. After it came out and people began to engage in discussions about the social reflections of the film that I realized it had an importance I hadn’t thought of (Social Quotes)
The journalistic vision sharpens to the point of maximum impact every event, every individual and social configuration; but the honing is uniform (Social Quotes)
A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living (Social Quotes)
Do goofy stories make people nice? What if, in their goofiness, these stories somehow inspire that in the right way. Is that a social good? (Social Quotes)
Well first of all you have to make the character strong so that people can follow that. And then hopefully that character can integrate with the background of the social situation that people can recognize (Social Quotes)
I’m social and I meet people and talk to people but I’m not looking for the ideal person to fit my mold and to raise my family with yet. I’m just kind of doing my thing and learning from the people I’m around and who I cross paths with (Social Quotes)
Most problems are best solved privately, not through government. There’s a problem of discourtesy in the world, which is best handled through social norms, which are indispensable. But you wouldn’t want the government to be mandating courtesy (Social Quotes)
A poem may be an instance of morality, of social conditions, of psychological history; it may instance all its qualities, but never one of them alone, nor any two or three; never less than all (Social Quotes)
Management is the gate through which social and economic and political change, indeed change in every direction, is diffused though society (Social Quotes)
The revolutionary despises public opinion. He despises and hates the existing social morality in all its manifestations. For him, morality is everything which contributes to the triumph of the revolution. Immoral and criminal is everything that stands in its way (Social Quotes)
The crucial role communists played in organizing industrial unions in the 1930s and struggling for social reforms, peace, and civil rights strengthened rather then undermined democratic forces (Social Quotes)
The basis of social relationships is reciprocity: if you cooperate with others, others will cooperate with you (Social Quotes)
Because morality is a social necessity, the moment faith in God is banished, man’s gaze turns from God to man and he becomes socially conscious. Religious belief prevented the growth of a sense of realism. But atheism at once makes man realistic and alive to the needs of morality (Social Quotes)
All the lessons of psychiatry, psychology, social work, indeed culture, have taught us over the last hundred years that it is the acceptance of differences, not the search for similarities which enables people to relate to each other in their personal or family lives (Social Quotes)
The core of common culture is religion. Tribes survive and flourish because they have gods, who fuse many wills into a single will, and demand and reward the sacrifices on which social life depends (Social Quotes)
The notion that every well educated person would have a mastery of at least the basic elements of the humanities, sciences, and social sciences is a far cry from the specialized education that most students today receive, particularly in the research universities (Social Quotes)
Politics, as I never tire of saying, is for social and emotional misfits, handicapped folk, those with a grudge. The purpose of politics is to help them overcome these feelings of inferiority and compensate for their personal inadequacies in the pursuit of power (Social Quotes)