Social Quotes

Text Quotes
You don’t want money to make you a social freak where you can only hang out with rich people (Social Quotes)
In our own time we have seen domination spread over the social landscape to a point where it is beyond all human control. Compared to this stupendous mobilization of materials, of wealth, of human intellect, of human labor for the single goal of domination, all other recent human achievements pale to almost trivial significance. Our art, science, medicine, literature, music and charitable acts seem like mere droppings from a table on which gory feasts on the spoils of conquest have engaged the attention of a system whose appetite for rule is utterly unrestrained (Social Quotes)
Capitalism is a social cancer. It has always been a social cancer. It is the disease of society. It is the malignancy of society (Social Quotes)
The nations of the world are becoming more and more dependent on one another and it will not be possible to preserve a lasting peace so long as glaring economic and social imbalances persist (Social Quotes)
I have a problem with the term social entrepreneurship because people say only business helps to make the world a better place (Social Quotes)
I’ve argued that many of what philosophers call moral sentiments can be seen in other species. In chimpanzees and other animals, you see examples of sympathy, empathy, reciprocity, a willingness to follow social rules. Dogs are a good example of a species that have and obey social rules; that’s why we like them so much, even though they’re large carnivores (Social Quotes)
One of the reasons I came into politics was because I thought I lacked the skills to be a social worker (Social Quotes)
In the technical realm, we repeatedly enter into a series of social contracts, the terms of which are revealed only after the signing (Social Quotes)
Adults get more confused by social worker jargon. Unlike children, they are also less likely to see two sides of an argument, and they no longer think they can make the world a better place. That can make them rather boring, I suppose (Social Quotes)
It’s fine to have social media that connects us with old friends, but we need tools that help us discover new people as well (Social Quotes)
The world is moving into a phase when landscape design may well be recognized as the most comprehensive of the arts. Man creates around him an environment that is a projection into nature of his abstract ideas. It is only in the present century that the collective landscape has emerged as a social necessity. We are promoting a landscape art on a scale never conceived of in history (Social Quotes)
Urbanization is not about simply increasing the number of urban residents or expanding the area of cities. More importantly, it’s about a complete change from rural to urban style in terms of industry structure, employment, living environment and social security (Social Quotes)
How we put our collective talents to work is a social issue, not solely a personal one (Social Quotes)
Indeed, the best practical reason to think that social media can help bring political change is that both dissidents and governments think they can. All over the world, activists believe in the utility of these tools and take steps to use them accordingly. And the governments they contend with think social media tools are powerful, too, and are willing to harass, arrest, exile, or kill users in response (Social Quotes)
We were happy a hundred years ago. We knew that there were exploiters and exploited, wealthy and poor, and we had a perfect idea of how to get rid of injustice; we would expropriate the owners and turn the wealth over to the common good. We expropriated the owners and we created one of the most monstrous and oppressive social systems in world history. And we keep repeating that in principle everything was all right, only some unfortunate accidents slipped in and slightly spoiled the good idea. Now let us start afresh (Social Quotes)
Leadership, in short, is power governed by principle, directed toward raising people to their highest levels of personal motive and social morality (Social Quotes)
Human social life, I suggest, is the magma that erupts and builds up, so to speak, at the fault lines where natural human capacities meet and grind against and over natural human limitations…. This meeting of powers and limitations produces a creative, dynamic tension and energy that generates and fuels the making of human social life and social structures…. It is real human persons living through the tensions of natural existential contradictions who construct patterned social meanings, interactions, institutions, and structures (Social Quotes)
Growing up, I went to many schools, and I had to fit in to many different types of environments with totally different social groups. It helps me out as I move from job to job (Social Quotes)
The power of recognition is one of the strongest forces for stimulating human and social action (Social Quotes)
The arts tend to be more liberal. There tends to be more social relevance in the arts (Social Quotes)
No doubt exists that rent seeking in general leads to serious inefficiencies in this direct sense, but its indirect damage is even worse. Drawing the bulk of intelligent and energetic people in society into activity that has no social product, or may have a negative social product, is more important in explaining the stagnation of these societies than the direct social cost of the rent seeking (Social Quotes)
A bottle of wine begs to be shared; I have never met a miserly wine lover. The social emotions it generates are equidistant from the philatelist’s solitary gloating and the football fan’s gregarious hysteria (Social Quotes)
The social order of things has demanded an emphasis on the differences between gender that do not in my opinion in fact exist. I’m not going to go around putting pronouns on everything. Things are often deeply compromised by the set of assumptions you bring to the world, which is this black or white, this male or female (Social Quotes)
Just as in policing there is an emphasis on civilians to help with paperwork, we must free up trained and experienced social workers to focus on children, not bureaucracy (Social Quotes)
Going out at night and having a fabulous social life takes a lot out of you, and I don’t know if I have that much to give, honestly. I would rather give that time to my kids or spend that time reading a book or watching a film. I am selfish and lazy (Social Quotes)
People can care about changing the world. But what gets them to act is pressure and social reward (Social Quotes)
Hollywood is right. A good and strong movie can have a more powerful social impact than any and all political speeches or newspaper editorials and columns (Social Quotes)
Sport is a product of human culture. America seems to need football at this state of our social development. When you get ninety million people watching a single game on television, it... shows you that people need something to identify with (Social Quotes)
We said that a single injustice, a single crime, a single illegality, particularly if it is officially recorded, confirmed, a single wrong to humanity, a single wrong to justice and to right, particularly if it is universally, legally, nationally, commodiously accepted, that a single crime shatters and is sufficient to shatter the whole social pact, the whole social contract, that a single legal crime, a single dishonorable act will bring about the loss of ones honor, the dishonor of a whole people. It is a touch of gangrene that corrupts the entire body (Social Quotes)
Implicit in true freedom of spirit lies a proud and virile will. Such glorious power of free will to choose, envisages beneficent social responsibility as manifest and welcome (Social Quotes)