Social Quotes

Text Quotes
Alas, our technology has marched ahead of our spiritual and social evolution, making us, frankly, a dangerous people (Social Quotes)
We are all members of the same great family... On social occasions the formality of strictly military occasions should be relaxed, and a spirit of friendliness and goodwill should prevail (Social Quotes)
An individual gospel without a social gospel is a soul without a body and a social gospel without an individual gospel is a body without a soul. One is a ghost, the other a corpse (Social Quotes)
There is only one kind of wisdom that has any social value, and that is the knowledge of one’s own limitations (Social Quotes)
But I’m saying we are loosing the people who are going to pay my social security. And that bothers me (Social Quotes)
Political and social history are in my view two aspects of the same process. Social life loses half its interest and political movements lose most of their meaning if they are considered separately (Social Quotes)
Does not a misplaced optimism exist, common to all mankind, leading on to false conviction that social engagements, if dated sufficiently far ahead, will never really materialize (Social Quotes)
But what is propaganda, if not the effort to alter the picture to which men respond, to substitute one social pattern for another (Social Quotes)
Whichever way I turn, whatever phase of social life presents itself, the same conviction comes: Independent bread alone can redeem woman from her curse of subjection to man (Social Quotes)
Evolutionary theory informs our understanding of some frankly inexcusable social behavior and renders it perfectly normal (Social Quotes)
It is place, permanent position in both the social and topographical sense, that gives us our identity (Social Quotes)
Everybody’s strange everywhere. Most of the trick of being a social animal is pretending you’re not. But who do you fool? Nobody worth talking to (Social Quotes)
A commitment to love and justice demands the transformation of social structures as well as of hearts (Social Quotes)
Persuading people through technology is the next social revolution. Facebook demonstrates just how powerful it will be (Social Quotes)
Religion is a set of social and political institutions and spirituality is a private pursuit which may or may not take place in a church setting (Social Quotes)
But man is above all a social and political animal; his relations with his fellow human beings form his most absorbing and important interest (Social Quotes)
All we have to do now is to inform the public that the payment of social security taxes is voluntary and watch the mass exodus (Social Quotes)
Industry is not a collection of machines and tools and buildings. It is a social entity that has the responsibility of realizing the happiness of those who work in it (Social Quotes)
I believe that the country weekly acts as a form of social cement in holding the community together (Social Quotes)
Nothing is more limiting than a closed circle of acquaintanceship where every avenue of conversation has been explored and social exchanges are fixed in a known routine (Social Quotes)
What the world, social and political, concrete and mental, really needs is not new things, but the old things made new (Social Quotes)
We will allow private and religious groups to compete to provide services in every federal, state and local social program (Social Quotes)
Courtesy is the bedrock of social interchange. No matter what you’re doing, even if you’re fomenting revolution, you can still be courteous (Social Quotes)
Psychopaths are social predators, and like all predators, they are looking for feeding grounds. Wherever you get power, prestige and money, you will find them (Social Quotes)
The difference between rich and poor is becoming more extreme, and as income inequality widens the wealth gap in major nations, education, health and social mobility are all threatened (Social Quotes)
Secularism denounces supernaturalism and promotes a nonreligious or antireligious basis of social organization and morality (Social Quotes)
Obama behaves like a centrist who leans tentatively left on certain social programs but boldly right on military force and civil liberties (Social Quotes)
Whatever else we may say about sex, it is at least as much a social and psychological phenomenon as it is a biological one (Social Quotes)
The social system tends to be dominated by images... especially of the future, which act cybernetically, constantly guided by perceived divergences between the real and the ideal (Social Quotes)
The organization of science into disciplines sets up a series of ghettos with remarkable distances of artificial social space between them (Social Quotes)