Society Quotes

Text Quotes
Society is what we make of it, so we’d better try to make it the best we can (Society Quotes)
In an information society, education is no mere amenity; it is the prime tool for growing people and profits (Society Quotes)
In my view, there is nothing more vicious and outrageous than the abuse, exploitation and harm of the most vulnerable members of our society, and I firmly believe that our nation’s laws and resources need to reflect the seriousness of these terrible crimes (Society Quotes)
Atheists in our midst are proof that all consciences can be accommodated here, even those that have no ground for holding that conscience is sacred, inalienable, and prior to civil society (Society Quotes)
In most of history, societies have not been free. It’s a very rare society that is free. The default condition of human societies is tyranny (Society Quotes)
I could never be a country person, sitting around trees trying to write a song. I would rather be in the middle of society, whether it’s growing or crumbling (Society Quotes)
The most important thing to a lot of people, is to belong to something that’s hip or whatever. To be a part of something that’s not society, just a clique. And they get real sidetracked trying to think like everyone else. They don’t realize that you have to motivate yourself to do things you want to do. Some people just like going along for the ride. And those are the kind of people I don’t get along with too well (Society Quotes)
However, please allow me to say that the fundamental style of my writing has been to start from my personal matters and then to link it up with society, the state and the world (Society Quotes)
To have a man who can flirt is next thing to indispensable to a leader of society (Society Quotes)
Courts of law, and all the paraphernalia and folly of law cannot be found in a rational state of society (Society Quotes)
Here society is reduced to its original elements, the whole fabric of art and conventionality is struck rudely to pieces, and men find themselves suddenly brought back to the wants and resources of their original natures (Society Quotes)
A satirist is a man whose flesh creeps so at the ugly and the savage and the incongruous aspects of society that he has to express them as brutally and nakedly as possible in order to get relief (Society Quotes)
People have an awful lot of problems that society has put on them and a lot to work through because of it (Society Quotes)
Film, therefore, is part of society, not distant from it, easy to experience for people regardless of class (Society Quotes)
When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults and they enter society, one of the politer names of hell. That is why we dread children, even if we love them, they show us the state of our decay (Society Quotes)
The idea of the peace movement and of people who spent their entire lives trying to have a more egalitarian, just society, suddenly became swamped by the record industry, by the new rock and roll culture, and by the idea of not trusting anyone over thirty (Society Quotes)
We live in a society that compels us to go on using these concepts, and we no longer know what they mean (Society Quotes)
The greatest failure is that although we have created institutions, we have not created a civil society (Society Quotes)
If you ask me to summarise our mission, I would put it this way: We were a military regime that sought to lay the foundations for freedom and liberty in a complex society (Society Quotes)
Illegal immigrants are beginning to comprise a black market class of workers in our society, jeopardizing the financial health of companies which play by the rules, while themselves vulnerable to the exploitation by those willing to take advantage of their illegal status (Society Quotes)
Ours is an open and accepting society, and has historically provided an avenue for lawful immigration to all those willing to accept the responsibilities of citizenship (Society Quotes)
That made me think I could contribute more to society by looking at people on the autopsy table and feeding back the findings so that lots of people could benefit, rather than just treating patients one at a time (Society Quotes)
As far as a truly radical conscience, you have to take it as part of a larger thing, that it was sort of historical inevitability that with the coming of a leaguer society people would start to use drugs a lot more then they had before (Society Quotes)
You do not know our culture, our ethics, or the unwritten codes that already provide our society more order than could be obtained by any of your impositions (Society Quotes)
Wherefore for the public interest and benefit of human society it is requisite that the highest obligations possible should be laid upon the consciences of men (Society Quotes)
Though gay lifestyles have certainly moved into the open, there’s little evidence that society has become more open in its basic attitudes or that entertainers should feel cozy in emerging from the velvet underground (Society Quotes)
I am strongly convinced that the people or society is the best and the most unerring critic (Society Quotes)
The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means (Society Quotes)
It seems to me morally a decent society will try to take some of the increased benefit and use that to alleviate the pain of the few who are bearing the cost that made it possible (Society Quotes)
If society will not admit of woman’s free development, then society must be remodeled (Society Quotes)