Society Quotes

Text Quotes
In a sane, civil, intelligent and moral society, you don’t blame poor people for being poor (Society Quotes)
Personally, I think it is possible to build a society that is moral on a nonreligious basis, but the jury is still out on that (Society Quotes)
The first thing to improve society is not banning abortion, but making sure that everyone who had a child is in the best position to be able to rear it (Society Quotes)
Britain is rich in radicalism, and anyone who says that our society has drifted into fatalism and apathy should get out more (Society Quotes)
The idea of entrepreneurship applies as much in politics, religion, society and the arts as it does in business (Society Quotes)
I like contradictions. We have never attained the infinite variety and contradictions that exist in nature. Tomorrow I shall contradict myself. That is the one way I have of asserting my liberty, the real liberty one does not find as a member of society (Society Quotes)
After all, what was adult life but one moment of weakness piled on top of another? Most people just fell in line like obedient little children, doing exactly what society expected of them at any given moment, all the while pretending that they’d actually made some sort of choice (Society Quotes)
All knowledge that is about human society, and not about the natural world, is historical knowledge, and therefore rests upon judgment and interpretation. This is not to say that facts or data are nonexistent, but that facts get their importance from what is made of them in interpretation… for interpretations depend very much on who the interpreter is, who he or she is addressing, what his or her purpose is, at what historical moment the interpretation takes place (Society Quotes)
You can hand out condoms, drop bombs, build roads, or put in electricity, but until the girls are educated a society won’t change (Society Quotes)
A society that doesn’t know any longer how to observe every death with proper rituals, that does not know that death is not the end, but only part of the journey, has lost its way, has had the very heart of its humanity torn out (Society Quotes)
There is so much more to this world then outward appearances. Our society basks in the illusion of normalcy every day, and hides from the truth every night (Society Quotes)
If you use a colloquialism or a slang word or phrase, simply use it; do not draw attention to it by enclosing it in quotation marks. To do so is to put on airs, as though you were inviting the reader to join you in a select society of those who know better (Society Quotes)
Society had grown cruel. People who felt they were unwanted or unwelcome in their own country, reacted with aggression. There was no such thing as meaningless violence. Every violent act had a meaning for the person who committed it. Only when you dared accept this truth could you hope to turn society in another direction (Society Quotes)
Women make up one half of society. Our society will remain backward and in chains unless its women are liberated, enlightened and educated (Society Quotes)
Society just doesn’t care about young people anymore, even if we are the future (Society Quotes)
The mature man lives quietly, does good privately, takes responsibility for his actions, treats others with friendliness and courtesy, finds mischief boring and avoids it. Without the hidden conspiracy of goodwill, society would not endure an hour (Society Quotes)
I have for a long time felt that our society is becoming more and more fractured and divisive and that you could go a whole day without really talking to another person. If you give people a good book to talk about, you can build a community out of a diverse group. A common language grows out of it (Society Quotes)
Our society tends to regard as a sickness any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system and this is plausible because when an individual doesn’t fit into the system it causes pain to the individual as well as problems for the system. Thus the manipulation of an individual to adjust him to the system is seen as a cure for a sickness and therefore as good (Society Quotes)
A just society is a society that if you knew everything about it, you’d be willing to enter it in a random place (Society Quotes)
He’s convinced most human adults do not know how to play anymore and that playing is one of the best ways to think. Franky finds children, by far, much more pleasant and intelligent than most adults, but they are easily ruined by their families, schools, and society. He says one of the ways they are ruined is by being forced to think of all the tasks that need to be done as work, not as play. It takes the joy out of living (Society Quotes)
Because you have seen something doesn’t mean you can explain it. Differing interpretations will always abound, even when good minds come to bear. The kernel of indisputable information is a dot in space; interpretations grow out of the desire to make this point a line, to give it direction. The directions in which it can be sent, the uses to which it can be put by a culturally, professionally, and geographically diverse society are almost without limit. The possibilities make good scientists chary (Society Quotes)
What is law? Is it what is on the books, or what is actually enacted and obeyed in a society? Or is law what must be enacted and obeyed, whether or not it is on the books, if things are to go right? (Society Quotes)
I believe profoundly in the importance of museums; I would go as far as to say that you can judge a society by the quality of its museums (Society Quotes)
Tom has a theory that homosexuals and single women in their thirties have natural bonding: both being accustomed to disappointing their parents and being treated as freaks by society (Society Quotes)
One wonders what would happen in a society in which there were no rules to break. Doubtless everyone would quickly die of boredom (Society Quotes)
If a man’s got talent and guts to buck society, he’s obviously above average. You want to hold on to him. You straighten him out and turn him into a plus value. Why throw him away? Do that enough and all you’ve got left are the sheep (Society Quotes)
There’s a scientific hypothesis that every person’s name is a primary suggestive command that contains the entire script of their life in highly concentrated form... According to this point of view, there is only a limited number of names, because society only needs a limited number of human types. Just a few models of worker and warrior ants, if I could put it like that. And everybody’s psyche is preprogrammed at a basic level by the associative semantic fields that their first name and surname activate (Society Quotes)
You can’t function in society if you don’t involve yourself in the fictions society accepts about time. But you do so with the understanding that you’re playing a game (Society Quotes)
I don’t trust society to protect us, I have no intention of placing my fate in the hands of men whose only qualification is that they managed to con a block of people to vote for them (Society Quotes)
You don’t write a novel out of sheer pity any more than you blow a safe out of a vague longing to be rich. A certain ruthlessness and a sense of alienation from society is as essential to creative writing as it is to armed robbery (Society Quotes)