Society Quotes

Text Quotes
If there is to be an ecologically sound society, it will have to come the grass roots up, not from the top down (Society Quotes)
By dancing in a socially approved way with their peers, individiuals proclaim their allegiance to society as a whole (Society Quotes)
Society is an interweaving and interworking of mental selves. I imagine your mind and especially what your mind thinks about my mind and what my mind thinks about what your mind thinks about my mind. I dress my mind before you and expect that you will dress yours before mine. Whoever cannot or will not perform these feats is not properly in the game (Society Quotes)
All of society is built to prop up that lie, the whole world a big, noisy puppet show meant to distract us from the fact that at the end, you’ll die, and you’ll probably be alone (Society Quotes)
I live life in the margins of society, and the rules of normal society don’t apply to those who live on the fringe (Society Quotes)
Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think? (Society Quotes)
It’s time that we acknowledge the wisdom women have acquired by managing the chaos of daily life. Women are realists, the glue that holds society together. They bring a reverence to life that’s instinctual, not just intellectual (Society Quotes)
Trade and money, which go together in a stream of energy, inevitably wash away the enclosing walls of a society of status (Society Quotes)
Other men look to him as someone to emulate. His church calls on him for strength and leadership. He is a preserver of culture and a champion of society to keep out evil and usher in good (Society Quotes)
Churches are having a limited impact on society because they fail to understand that the goal of the church is not the church itself but the kingdom (Society Quotes)
Theatre is very much concerned with the society, with the social situation... A theatre piece of itself, demands a confrontation with the audience. It demands that you connect with people; it demands a collective and social effort with the company and later with the audience (Society Quotes)
The perception of poverty as morally intolerable in a rich society had to await the emergence of a rich society (Society Quotes)
I see rock music as the best example of modernday storytelling that exists in our society. Songs are narratives that help the listeners cope with the reality of life that can’t be easily spoken about in everyday conversation. It is a hugely powerful process of helping people find themselves through music (Society Quotes)
Synergistic convergence is the most important idea we have at our disposal to prevent collapse scenarios and move forward in a nonlinear manner toward an evolutionary society (Society Quotes)
No one wishes for crisis, but when crises come, they can call forth our best impulses, those of compassion, courage, creativity, and community. And if there are crimes and evils hidden in the dark places of our society and the darker places of our consciousnesses, all the better they come to the surface to be seen, understood, confronted, and healed. If our generation is called to bear a burden of that healing, it is a powerful calling and honor and one within our capability (Society Quotes)
Creativity is not merely about cute pictures drawn by kindergartners. It is about the ability to create new enterprises, organizations, and institutions that fundamentally change society (Society Quotes)
It’s time for us to review the circumstances under which corporations gain rights superior to that of individuals in our society. It’s time for us to look at the practices of corporations and holding them accountable for violations of law which often go unnoticed because there is very little regulation (Society Quotes)
To know that children are suffering and going without food is intolerable in a society such as ours. I hope that all our leaders, in both the public and private sectors, will work tirelessly to eradicate hunger. We all have a responsibility to bring back life to our most precious natural resource (Society Quotes)
To create a community of radical scholars, men and women who recognize that rules and social conventions are arbitrary, but have mastered them nonetheless, a community which shares such a scorn and disrespect for the present society that it can embrace the whole bundle of rules and subvert them thereby, that should be our goal (Society Quotes)
Once admit that we have the right to inflict unnecessary suffering and you destroy the very basis of human society (Society Quotes)
It’s very tough to get yourself around the idea that there could be a mechanism being used or abused to restrict and alter the society in which we live (Society Quotes)
An economy where advertisers thrive while journalists and artists struggle, reflects the values of a society more interested in deception and manipulation than in truth and beauty (Society Quotes)
Society is not just the product of its individual members; it is also the product of its constituent groups (Society Quotes)
The future will be like the past, in the sense that, no matter how amazing or technologically advanced a society becomes, the basic human rhythm of petty malevolence, sordid moneygrubbing, and official violence, illuminated by occasional bursts of loyalty or desire or tenderness, will go on (Society Quotes)
Those we most often exclude from the normal life of society, people with disabilities, have profound lessons to teach us (Society Quotes)
I’d like to be remembered as someone who used their ability as a novelist or as a dramatist to say the things he felt needed to be said about the society while being as entertaining as possible. Because if you don’t entertain, nobody’s listening (Society Quotes)
No hint of genuine charity ameliorates our vision of society, once sentimentalism has been laid side. What passes for cooperation turns out to be a mixture of opportunism and exploitation. Scratch an altruist and watch a hypocrite bleed (Society Quotes)
Horror itself is a bit of a bullied genre, the antagonist being literary snobbery and public misconception. And I think good horror tackles our darkest fears, whatever they may be. It takes us into the minds of the victims, explores the threats, disseminates fear, studies how it changes us. It pulls back the curtain on the ugly underbelly of society, tears away the masks the monsters wear out in the world, shows us the potential truth of the human condition. Horror is truth, unflinching and honest. Not everybody wants to see that, but good horror ensures that it’s there to be seen (Society Quotes)
Love has an immense ability to help heal the devastating wounds that life sometimes deals us. Love also enhances our sense of connection to the larger world. Loving responsiveness is the foundation of a truly compassionate, civilized society (Society Quotes)
In an ideal state of society we never lose sight of the womanliness of women…why should it be considered a compliment to any woman to be told she writes, paints, sings, talks, or even thinks, like a man? (Society Quotes)