Society Quotes

Text Quotes
I have not been part of an active counterculture movement, as it is not the approach that I have personally pursued to create a qualitatively beneficial and meaningful impact on society (Society Quotes)
It is necessary for the welfare of society that genius should be privileged to utter sedition, to blaspheme, to outrage good taste, to corrupt the youthful mind, and generally to scandalize one’s uncles (Society Quotes)
Society knows perfectly well how to kill a man and has methods more subtle than death (Society Quotes)
If you wish to study men you must not neglect to mix with the society of children (Society Quotes)
Trust not what inspires other members of society to choose as a career. Trust what inspires you. From this decision alone will come over a third of your satisfaction or misery in your life (Society Quotes)
Nothing in science has any value to society if it is not communicated, and scientists are beginning to learn their social obligations (Society Quotes)
The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe (Society Quotes)
All that we have read and learned, all that has occupied and interested us in the thoughts and deeds of men abler or wiser than ourselves, constitutes at last a spiritual society of which we can never be deprived, for it rests in the heart and soul of the man who has acquired it (Society Quotes)
The hero’s will is not that of his ancestors nor of his society, but his own. This will to be oneself is heroism (Society Quotes)
Consumer wants can have bizarre, frivolous, or even immoral origins, and an admirable case can still be made for a society that seeks to satisfy them. But the case cannot stand if it is the process of satisfying wants that create the wants (Society Quotes)
Modern society will find no solution to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its lifestyle. In many parts of the world society is given to instant gratification and consumerism while remaining indifferent to the damage which these attitudes cause. Simplicity, moderation and discipline, as well as a spirit of sacrifice, must become part of everyday life, lest all suffer the negative consequences of the careless habits of a few (Society Quotes)
The contemporary tendency in our society is to base our distribution on scarcity, which has vanished, and to compress our abundance into the overfed mouths of the middle and upper classes until they gag with superfluity. If democracy is to have breadth of meaning, it is necessary to adjust this inequity. It is not only moral, but it is also intelligent. We are wasting and degrading human life by clinging to archaic thinking (Society Quotes)
It is only logical that the pauperization of our soul and the soul of society coincide with the pauperization of the environment. One is the cause and the reflection of the other (Society Quotes)
What is the most powerful force in the world? And I think you would agree that is a big idea if it is in the hands of an entrepreneur who is actually going to make the idea not only happen, but spread all across society. And we understand that in business but we have need for entrepreneurship just as much in education, human rights, health, and the environment as we do in hotels and steel (Society Quotes)
Society likes to file you away, put you in this or that category. And I never fit any category. Maybe that’s why I was left out of a lot of things, or why my work was not really understood, because there was no precedent for it (Society Quotes)
We should be tolerant, fair, open, and we should understand the rights that all people have in our society (Society Quotes)
We’re always going to be a society that’s going to slow down and look at the wreck on the side if the road if there is one. We’re always going to do that because it’s still fascinating and it’s human nature (Society Quotes)
At the approach of danger two voices speak with equal force in the heart of man: one very reasonably tells the man to consider the nature of the danger and the means of avoiding it and the other, even more reasonable, says that it is too painful and harassing to think of the danger... better to turn aside from the painful subject till it has come, and to think of what is pleasant. In solitude a man generally yields to the first voice; in society to the second (Society Quotes)
Religions are the exponents of the highest comprehension of life... within a given age in a given society... a basis for evaluating human sentiments. If feelings bring people nearer to the religion’s ideal... they are good; if these estrange them from it, and oppose it, they are bad (Society Quotes)
Courtesy, like grace and beauty, that which begets liking and inclination to love one another at the first sight, and in the very beginning of our acquaintance and familiarity; and, consequently, that which first opens the door for us to better ourselves by the example of others, if there be anything in the society worth notice (Society Quotes)
Unless you drop your personality you will not be able to find your individuality. Individuality is given by existence; personality is imposed by the society (Society Quotes)
Artists have to show us what is not going well within the person and within the society, not try to cover it up (Society Quotes)
As children, we come into the world with a natural desire to both speak and draw. Society makes sure that we learn language properly, right from the beginning, but art is treated as a gift of innate genius, something we either have or don’t (Society Quotes)
A man must be in sympathy with society around him, or else, not wish to be in sympathy with it. If neither of these two, he must be wretched (Society Quotes)
A society that refuses to strive for superfluities is likely to end up lacking in necessities (Society Quotes)
What the intellectual craves above all else is to be taken seriously, to be treated as a decisive force in shaping history. He is far more at home in a society that weighs his every word and keeps close watch on his attitudes then in a society that cares not what he says or does. He would rather be persecuted than ignored (Society Quotes)
Today we haven’t the heart to expel the painters and poets from society because we refuse to admit to ourselves that there is any danger in keeping them in our midst (Society Quotes)
What I did that was new was to prove that the existence of classes is only bound up with particular, historical phases in the development of production; that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat; and that dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society (Society Quotes)
The war in vietnam threatened to tear our society apart, and the political and philosophical disagreements that separated each side continue, to some extent. It’s been said that these memorials reflect a hunger for healing (Society Quotes)
When the laws are written and administered by the most powerful leaders in a society, it is human nature for them to understand, justify, and protect the interests of themselves and people like them. Many injustices arise from this natural human failing (Society Quotes)