Society Views Quotes

Text Quotes
The readings of Soviet society are as many as the experts you speak to. In my view, it’s a society that is overdue for measures of democratization and organization (Society Views Quotes)
Can someone within that society walk into the town square and say what they want without fear of being punished for his or her views? If so, then that society is a free society. If not, it is a fear society (Society Views Quotes)
So this is all part of a free society. People are entitled to hold whatever view they want, and the media can report things how they wish (Society Views Quotes)
Friendship can only exist between persons with similar interests and points of view. Man and woman by the conventions of society are born with different interests and different points of view (Society Views Quotes)
One of the sad commentaries on the way women are viewed in our society is that we have to fit one category. I have never felt that I had to be in one category (Society Views Quotes)
A widely held, but rarely articulated, belief in our society is that the ideal self is bold, alpha, gregarious. Introversion is viewed somewhere between disappointment and pathology (Society Views Quotes)
Society historically has a difficult time with the concept of something new and foreign that shakes up our comfortable views, especially if it involves the very volatile question of sexual identity (Society Views Quotes)
In my opinion, further consideration of those views will help us find a way out of the current impasse, and reveal to us the kinds of buildings and cities required by the informational society (Society Views Quotes)
The point at which society moves towards our views is a point where we are significantly closer to the vegan world that we are all working toward (Society Views Quotes)