Soda Quotes
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Text Quotes
My kids know there’s no candy, no soda, until the weekend. Those are the days they get to indulge in their sweets. We’re big on organic food. I’m not a diet guy; I don’t believe in diets. I just believe in a great meal plan. (Soda Quotes)
I hate the gym, so I try to diversify my workouts with swimming and basketball. Indoors, it’s less boring than running. I do find that diet is key. I eat lots of lean protein, no soda, no fast food or fried foods, and a lot of water. But I love food and often cook. (Soda Quotes)
When you’ve been on a ghetto diet your entire life, you’re just happy to get a large soda instead of a medium. (Soda Quotes)
If I gave up writing, I’d have to find an equally obsessive way to fill my time. Yarn-bombing skyscrapers or making houses out of empty soda bottles. (Soda Quotes)
I see groups that are hot one minute, and next time you see them, they’re asking if you want a soda with that Happy Meal. (Soda Quotes)
However this miraculous place worked, it seemed real enough. The sun was hot, the soda was cold, the sky was blue, the grass was green. What more did he need to know? (Soda Quotes)
So in our pride we ordered for breakfast an omelet, toast and coffee and what has just arrived is a tomato salad with onions, a dish of pickles, a big slice of watermelon and two bottles of cream soda (Soda Quotes)
I don't snack. I don't generally eat sweets or drink soda. I never eat between meals or even before big ones (Soda Quotes)
The technology is just so far gone. It’s just like back in the day you needed a suitcase just to have a cell phone. The battery was so heavy, it was like carrying a gallon of soda around with you all day (Soda Quotes)
Ordinarily my mom just sunk deeper into her corner of the couch and ignored it. She had succesfully ignored a quarter of a century of entropy and decay, had sat peacefully crunching popcorn and drinking soda while the house fell down around us. If I had to guess the number of books she read during that time, I would place the number at somewhere in the neighborhood of forty thousand (Soda Quotes)
Certainly the soda companies, the junk food companies fought hard against this and today’s agreement doesn’t mean the battle is over, we still have to pass this bill (Soda Quotes)
When I was a kid, I was at a bowling alley and I ran into a soda machine. I still have the scar on my right eyebrow obviously (Soda Quotes)
I’ve picked up a great appetite for pastrami on rye and a nice cream soda. It is fantastic. So I have to be careful or I’m going to just get really fat (Soda Quotes)
I have learned that the cost of everything from a royal suite to a bottle of soda water can be halved by the simple expedient of saying it must be halved (Soda Quotes)
After a snowstorm is the best time to be in the woods, because all the empty beer and soda cans and candy wrappers disappear, and you don’t have to try as hard to be in another time. Plus there’s just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on (Soda Quotes)
I was going to sip on a diet soda, but a little voice convinced me I needed the extra calcium from a cup of hot chocolate (Soda Quotes)
My childhood memories seem to be wreathed in the twin and far from harmonious olfactory sensations of patchouli oil and caustic soda (Soda Quotes)
It’s one thing if everyone wears the same shoes or drinks the same soda. But the world of literature is the last place in which globalization should mean homogeneity (Soda Quotes)
I like to take mustard baths. I combine 4 lbs Epsom salts, 3 oz mustard powder, 12 oz powdered milk, and 1/2 cup baking soda, add in 12 drops each of rosemary and eucalyptus essential oils, then whisk it and pour 1/4 cup of the mix into the tub while warm water is running (Soda Quotes)
Making a movie and not directing the little moments is like drinking a soda and leaving the little slurp puddle for someone else (Soda Quotes)
Ironically, he’d yet to leave a good impression. First he’d spilled soda on her, next she’d seen him almost involved in a riot, and then this morning she’d believed him to be either lazy or an idiot (Soda Quotes)
Grinning is something you do when you are entertained in some way, such as reading a good book or watching someone you don’t care for spill orange soda all over themselves (Soda Quotes)
In her dreams, blood tasted like fizzy strawberry soda. If you drank it too fast, you got brain freeze. When she was older, after she’d licked a cut on her finger, the taste of that became the taste in her dreams: copper and tears (Soda Quotes)
What were the odds that she’d turn away at the same instant the ball came flying her way? And that she’d be holding a soda in a crowd at a volleyball game she didn’t even want to watch, in a place she didn’t want to be? In a million years, the same thing should probably never happen again. With odds like that, she should have bought a lottery ticket (Soda Quotes)
Our kids didn’t do this to themselves. They don’t decide the sugar content in soda or the advertising content of a television show. Kids don’t choose what’s served to them for lunch at school, and shouldn’t be deciding what’s served to them for dinner at home. And they don’t decide whether there’s time in the day or room in the budget to learn about healthy eating or to spend time playing outside (Soda Quotes)
For her fifth wedding, the bride wore black and carried a scotch and soda (Soda Quotes)
That bomb that took down that Russian airliner may have been the size of a soda can. And that bomb killed more people than all the Paris attackers combined. So this is still a grave threat (Soda Quotes)
There’s a real strong link today between soda consumption and obesity among children (Soda Quotes)
I’m glad a potential ban on tubs of soda was finally enough to get your fat ass involved in politics (Soda Quotes)
Pouring soda into the cap when you were younger and acting like you were taking shots (Soda Quotes)
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