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Software Quotes

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For systems in which you already have a lot of hardware and software, change is difficult. That’s why apps are so popular.  (Software Quotes) But cheer up - we could be selling tobacco. It’s not like software kills people if used as intended  (Software Quotes) It is food - we now know that food is information, not just calories, and that it can upgrade your biologic software. The majority of chronic disease is primarily a food borne illness. We ate ourselves into this problem and we have to eat ourselves out of it.  (Software Quotes) A lot of people assume that creating software is purely a solitary activity where you sit in an office with the door closed all day and write lots of code.  (Software Quotes) It seems like the web, particularly software as a service, provides ample opportunities for you to flourish economically, completely aligned with the broader open source community.  (Software Quotes) We’re not done yet, but two things WordPress has been able to exemplify is that open source can create great user experiences and that it’s possible to have a successful commercial entity and a wider free software community living and working in harmony.  (Software Quotes) I started Shutterstock out of my own need. I’d previously created a few software companies, and each time, I struggled to find affordable images to use on my websites.  (Software Quotes) The critical thing in developing software is not the program, it’s the design. It is translating understanding of user needs into something that can be realized as a computer program.  (Software Quotes) I know about the tech industry in that I follow what apps are hot and software development. I know my way around different browsers. I know how to restart a computer.  (Software Quotes) To make an embarrassing admission, I like video games. That’s what got me into software engineering when I was a kid. I wanted to make money so I could buy a better computer to play better video games - nothing like saving the world.  (Software Quotes) Software is now so complex - requiring so many gazillions of tiny files all over your computer - that most consumers don’t want to bother to know what’s really going on.  (Software Quotes) Even though most people won’t be directly involved with programming, everyone is affected by computers, so an educated person should have a good understanding of how computer hardware, software, and networks operate.  (Software Quotes) Reading computer manuals without the hardware is as frustrating as reading sex manuals without the software.  (Software Quotes) Originally, I was in both software and in online computing. The first innovation really was sort of at that time that we’re marrying the telephone and the computer so that people wouldn’t have to drive to the computer center. We didn’t have $1,000 computers.  (Software Quotes) Similarly, computer literacy courses tend to produce computer people who know a lot about computers or a piece of software but they don’t help people become fluent with the machine.  (Software Quotes) I majored in Computer Science at U.C. Berkeley and worked as a software developer for a couple of years. Then I taught high school computer science for over a decade and a half in Oakland, California.  (Software Quotes) The most sought-after candidates in the world today by companies like mine are people who make computer software - there’s a shortage of talent.  (Software Quotes) Our laws are like the software that runs our country. All the laws for a country, together, are called its legal code, just like computer software is written using code.  (Software Quotes) I do read licenses, and they aggravate me, but a computer isn’t much good without software. When I need a product, I hold my nose and click ‘agree.’  (Software Quotes) We’ve gone from the image of India as land of fakirs lying on beds of nails, and snake charmers with the Indian rope trick, to the image of India as a land of mathematical geniuses, computer wizards, software gurus.  (Software Quotes) A smartphone is a computer - it’s not built using a computer - the job it does is the job of being a computer. So, everything we say about computers, that the software you run should be free - you should insist on that - applies to smart phones just the same. And likewise to those tablets.  (Software Quotes) The two [separate] UIs are both incredibly simple and don’t even look like computer programs; they barely need menus. [When combined, they] suddenly look like software.  (Software Quotes) Proprietary software tends to have malicious features. The point is with a proprietary program, when the users don’t have the source code, we can never tell. So you must consider every proprietary program as potential malware.  (Software Quotes) Using the Internet to secure employment is as vital to a construction worker as it is to a software engineer.  (Software Quotes) The idea of free software is that users of computing deserve freedom. They deserve in particular to have control over their computing. And proprietary software does not allow users to have control of their computing.  (Software Quotes) The hazards posed by Near-Earth Asteroids are assessed by Sentry, a computer system developed by the Near-Earth Objects Group at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. The software factors together a cosmic rock’s coordinates, distance, velocity, and gravitational influences to calculate its trajectory.  (Software Quotes) What you have in most education software is that they’re catering to the decision-maker who makes the budget allocations, and that decision-maker has a lot of check boxes. Does it do this? Check. Does it do that? Check. They could care less about the end user experience.  (Software Quotes) GoPro’s capture devices and Kolor’s software will combine to deliver exciting and highly accessible solutions for capturing, creating, and sharing spherical content.  (Software Quotes) Most people assume that once security software is installed, they’re protected. This isn’t the case. It’s critical that companies be proactive in thinking about security on a long-term basis.  (Software Quotes) The payoff of a customer-centric approach to software and digital product design is substantial and long-lasting for both companies and their customers.  (Software Quotes)
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